chapter eleven
contemporary american philosophers: santayana, james and dewey
the subtlety of his thought, and the fragrance of his style, are like the perfume that lingers in a room from which the flowers have been taken away
i, george santayana
i, biographical
those who remember him in the class room will remember him as a sprit solemn, sweet, and withdrawn,....
it was a fresh morning in the life of reason, cloudy but brightening.
出自《 汉书·外戚传上·孝武李夫人》:“ 北方有佳人,绝世而独立,一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国。
2,scepticism and animal faith 怀疑主义与动物信仰
santayana is modest enough to believe that other systems than his own are possible
he knows that the great snare of thought is the uncritical acceptance of traditional assumptions
他认为人类思想 有一大陷阱,那便是不经批判便认可传统的假设。
idealism is correct, but of no great consequence
like the labor leaders who for a time wear silk breeches at the king's court
3 reason in science 科学中的理性
it is nature become conscious in us, illuminating its own path and goal
the life of reason is a name for all practical thought and action justified by its fruits in consciousness
brute or a maniac. the rational animal is generated by the union of these two monsters
he is constituted by ideas which have ceased to be visionary and actions which have ceased to be vain
reason is man's imitation of divinity
the life of reason based itself frankly on science, because science contains all trustworthy knowledge
he proposed no new philosophy, but only an application of old philosophies to our present life
因曰:“我亦无他,惟手熟尔。” 康肃笑而遣之。 日日操练基本功,坚持不懈必有所成。无他,唯手熟尔!!
everything ideal has a natural basis, and everything natural an ideal development
he will not permit himself the luxury of pantheism
because the soul is akin to the eternal and ideal
to have perceived it as it moved
in the inmost recesses of the soul
the value of thought is ideal, not causal
consciousness is an organ of judgment as well as a vehicle of delight
4 reason in religion
faith i do believe her though i know she lies
fear it was fear which first made the gods
imagination religion is human experience interpreted by human imagination
the fact of having been born is a bad augury for immortality
the eternal has absorbed him while he lived, and when he is dead his influence brings others to the same absorption,making them , through that ideal identity with the best in him, reincarnations and perennial seats of all in him which he could rationally hope to rescue from destruction
5 reason in society
laplace is reported to have said on his deathbed that science was mere trifling, and that nothing was real but love
a hostile fist shaken in the face of a supposedly inferior world
things are in the saddle and ride mankind
good is not liberty, but wisdom, and contentment with one's natural restrictions.
every soul is torn with climbing, and no one knows content
the only equality subsisting would be equality of opportunity
6 comment
there is tragedy in perfection, because the universe in which perfection arises in itself imperfect
he stands aloof and superior, and therefore alone
what is the part of wisdom? he asks;and answers- to dream with one eye open to be detached from the world without being hostile to it ,to welcome fugitive beauties and pity fugitive sufferings, without forgetting for a moment how fugitive they are
II william james
in william james the voice and the speech and the very turn of phrase are american
for in james psychology still drips from the foetal membranes of its mother, metaphysics
metaphysics is merely an effort to think things out clearly
he defined philosophy, in his simple and pellucid manner, as 'only thinking about things in the most comprehensive possible way'
it is these transitive elements in the flow of thought that constitute the thread of our metal life, and give us some measure of the continuity of things
consciousness is not an entity, not a thing, but a flux and system of relations
the soul is merely the sum of our mental life,
truth is the cash value of an idea
the true is the name of whatever proves itself to be good in the way of belief
the human intellect repeatedly proposes them because of their logical simplicity and symmetry, but life ignores and overflows them, and passes on
a philosophy whose principle is so incommensurate with our most intimate powers as to deny them all relevancy in universal affairs, as to annihilate their motives at one blow, will be even more unpopular than pessimism....
men accept or reject philosophies, then, according to their temperaments, not according to objective truth ; they do not ask, is this logical ? - they ask, what will the actual practice of this philosophy mean for our lives and our interests? arguments for and against may serve to illuminate, but they never prove
人们接受排斥某种哲学,根据的是自己的需求和气质,而不是客观真理。他们不会问“这合乎逻辑吗?”他们会问:“如果 我们将一种哲学付诸实践,那么这种实践对我们的生活和兴趣意味着什么?”
the value of a multiverse , as compared with a universe, lies in this, that where there are cross currents and warring forces our own strength and will may count and help decide the issue; it is a world where nothing is irrevocably settled, and all action matters
nevertheless he did not think of philosophy as a meditation on death, no problems had value for him unless they could guide and stimulate our terrestrial career. is was with the excellencies, not he duration,of our natures, that he occupied himself
lust for movement
philosophy for philistines
personal utility is merely personal utility
utter nonsense learnedly 睁眼说瞎话
there is no conclude in regard to it ? there are no fortunes to be told and there is no advice to be given. farewell
III, john dewey
in education, the science should not be book learning, but should come to the pupil from the actual practice of useful occupations
学生不应该只通过书本学习科学, 而应选择有用的职业,通过参加实践活动来接触科学。
education must be re-conceived, not as merely a preparation for maturity , (whence our absurd idea that it should stop after adolescence) , but as a continuous growth of the mind and a continuous illumination of life
real education comes after we leave school , and there is no reason why it should stop before our death
this does not mean that mind is reduced to matter but only that mind and life are to be understood not in theological but in biological terms, as an organ or an organism in an environment
进入现你, 并不意味着慷 要被简化为物质,而是说, 人类不再从神学的角度, 而是从生物学的角度,对心灵和生命进行解读,并将心灵和生命看作存在于自然环境中的器官和有机体
thought is an instrument of re adaptation; it is an organ as much as limbs and teeth
complete adaptation to environment means death 对环境的完全适应意味着死亡
reasoning, we perceive, begins not with premises, but with difficulties
there is nothing impossible but thinking makes it so 没有想不到,只有做不到
what Dewey saw and reverenced as the finest of all things, was growth
not perfection as a final goal, but the ever enduring process of perfecting, maturing , refining, is the aim in living....the bad man is the man who, no matter how good he has been, is beginning to deteriorate, to grow less good. the good man is the man who, no matter how morally unworthy he has been , is moving to become better. such a conception makes one severe in judging himself and humane in judging others
goodness without ability is lame; and all the virtue in the world will not save us if we lack intelligence
ignorance is not bliss, it is unconsciousness and slavery; only intelligence can make us sharers in the shaping of our fates
love of the wisdom that is nurse of good
the task of future philosophy is to clarify men's ideas as to the social and moral strifes of their own day
when we have learned to reverence liberty as well as wealth , we too shall have our renaissance
当我们学会像尊重财富一样尊重自由时, 我们也将迎来自己的文艺复兴