iOS Class本质之cache_t

iOS Class本质之cache_t

作者: huxinwen | 来源:发表于2020-05-29 16:02 被阅读0次


    我们知道oc调用方法是objc_send_message,具体流程就是,去isa指针所指的类或元类对象的对应的方法缓存cache_t中查找,如果在缓存中找到,则直接返回对应IMP;如果没找到,则去类或元类的方法类表中查找,找到了,返回IMP,并保存到对应的cache_t中,便于下次查找使用;如果在类或元类的方法列表也没找到,则进入消息解析转发流程,直到unrecognized selector sent to instance。



    struct objc_class : objc_object {//继承objc_object,objc_object对应oc就是实例对象,从这点讲,类也是对象,万物皆对象
        // Class ISA;//isa指针
        Class superclass;//指向父类的指针
        cache_t cache;             //  方法缓存列表
        class_data_bits_t bits;    // class_rw_t * plus custom rr/alloc flags 类的其他信息数据,例如,属性、方法、协议等


    struct cache_t {
        struct bucket_t *_buckets;///存储方法的类表,hash表
        mask_t _mask;//hash算法使用到的盐
        mask_t _occupied;//列表中也被占用的位置数


    struct bucket_t {
        // IMP-first is better for arm64e ptrauth and no worse for arm64.
        // SEL-first is better for armv7* and i386 and x86_64.
    #if __arm64__//iOS
        uintptr_t _imp;//函数指针IMP
        SEL _sel;//selector
        SEL _sel;
        uintptr_t _imp;


    Method cache locking (GrP 2001-1-14)
     * For speed, objc_msgSend does not acquire any locks when it reads 
     * method caches. Instead, all cache changes are performed so that any 
     * objc_msgSend running concurrently with the cache mutator will not 
     * crash or hang or get an incorrect result from the cache. 
     * When cache memory becomes unused (e.g. the old cache after cache 
     * expansion), it is not immediately freed, because a concurrent 
     * objc_msgSend could still be using it. Instead, the memory is 
     * disconnected from the data structures and placed on a garbage list. 
     * The memory is now only accessible to instances of objc_msgSend that 
     * were running when the memory was disconnected; any further calls to 
     * objc_msgSend will not see the garbage memory because the other data 
     * structures don't point to it anymore. The collecting_in_critical
     * function checks the PC of all threads and returns FALSE when all threads 
     * are found to be outside objc_msgSend. This means any call to objc_msgSend 
     * that could have had access to the garbage has finished or moved past the 
     * cache lookup stage, so it is safe to free the memory.
     * All functions that modify cache data or structures must acquire the 
     * cacheUpdateLock to prevent interference from concurrent modifications.
     * The function that frees cache garbage must acquire the cacheUpdateLock 
     * and use collecting_in_critical() to flush out cache readers.
     * The cacheUpdateLock is also used to protect the custom allocator used 
     * for large method cache blocks.
     * Cache readers (PC-checked by collecting_in_critical())//读取
     * objc_msgSend*
     * cache_getImp
     * Cache writers (hold cacheUpdateLock while reading or writing; not PC-checked)//写入
     * cache_fill         (acquires lock)
     * cache_expand       (only called from cache_fill)
     * cache_create       (only called from cache_expand)
     * bcopy               (only called from instrumented cache_expand)
     * flush_caches        (acquires lock)
     * cache_flush        (only called from cache_fill and flush_caches)
     * cache_collect_free (only called from cache_expand and cache_flush)
     * UNPROTECTED cache readers (NOT thread-safe; used for debug info only)
     * cache_print
     * _class_printMethodCaches
     * _class_printDuplicateCacheEntries
     * _class_printMethodCacheStatistics


    void cache_fill(Class cls, SEL sel, IMP imp, id receiver)
        mutex_locker_t lock(cacheUpdateLock);//加锁 
        cache_fill_nolock(cls, sel, imp, receiver);
    static void cache_fill_nolock(Class cls, SEL sel, IMP imp, id receiver)
        // Never cache before +initialize is done
        if (!cls->isInitialized()) return;//类对象没有初始化,直接return
        // Make sure the entry wasn't added to the cache by some other thread 
        // before we grabbed the cacheUpdateLock.
        if (cache_getImp(cls, sel)) return;
        cache_t *cache = getCache(cls);//拿到类对象对应的cache_t
        // Use the cache as-is if it is less than 3/4 full
        mask_t newOccupied = cache->occupied() + 1;//暂用位置试着加1
        mask_t capacity = cache->capacity();//获取hash表的容量
        if (cache->isConstantEmptyCache()) {
            // Cache is read-only. Replace it.
            cache->reallocate(capacity, capacity ?: INIT_CACHE_SIZE);//为空,创建bucket
        else if (newOccupied <= capacity / 4 * 3) {
            // Cache is less than 3/4 full. Use it as-is.没超过3/4,直接使用
        else {
            // Cache is too full. Expand it.
        // Scan for the first unused slot and insert there.
        // There is guaranteed to be an empty slot because the 
        // minimum size is 4 and we resized at 3/4 full.
        bucket_t *bucket = cache->find(sel, receiver);//通过hash算法找到对应位置的bucket
        if (bucket->sel() == 0) cache->incrementOccupied();//更新Occupied的值
        bucket->set<Atomic>(sel, imp);存储sel及对应的imp


    1. cache_getImp()的具体实现是汇编语言,一切是为了速度跟性能;
    2. 如果其他线程在执行写操作,直接return;
    3. buckets初始的容量是4, INIT_CACHE_SIZE;
    enum {
        INIT_CACHE_SIZE_LOG2 = 2,
        INIT_CACHE_SIZE      = (1 << INIT_CACHE_SIZE_LOG2)
    1. 当buckets的存储的bucket超过了容量的3/4时,会触发扩容。
    void cache_t::reallocate(mask_t oldCapacity, mask_t newCapacity)
        bool freeOld = canBeFreed();//旧的缓存是否能清空
        bucket_t *oldBuckets = buckets();//先拿到旧的缓存
        bucket_t *newBuckets = allocateBuckets(newCapacity);//根据新的容量,new一份新的缓存
        // Cache's old contents are not propagated. 
        // This is thought to save cache memory at the cost of extra cache fills.
        // fixme re-measure this
        assert(newCapacity > 0);
        assert((uintptr_t)(mask_t)(newCapacity-1) == newCapacity-1);
        setBucketsAndMask(newBuckets, newCapacity - 1);//设置对应的成员变量
        if (freeOld) {//是否需要释放旧的缓存,扩容后旧的缓存处理
            cache_collect_free(oldBuckets, oldCapacity);//暂存在其他地方
            cache_collect(false);//在合适的时机释放,没有其他的线程在read cache的时候


    1. 扩容重新hash,旧的缓存没有分配到新的buckets中;
    2. 没有在新的buckets中分配位置,但并不是立马就释放掉了,
      而是存放在通过cache_collect_free 申请的garbage_refs里面,等到该类没有对象发送消息或者读取缓存时,然后释放掉;
    3. 上面两点的出发点,都是为了性能跟速度。
    // table of refs to free,bucket_t的二维表
    static bucket_t **garbage_refs = 0;
    enum {
        INIT_GARBAGE_COUNT = 128
    static void _garbage_make_room(void)
        static int first = 1;
        // Create the collection table the first time it is needed
        if (first)
            first = 0;
            garbage_refs = (bucket_t**)
                malloc(INIT_GARBAGE_COUNT * sizeof(void *));
            garbage_max = INIT_GARBAGE_COUNT;
        // Double the table if it is full
        else if (garbage_count == garbage_max)
            garbage_refs = (bucket_t**)
                realloc(garbage_refs, garbage_max * 2 * sizeof(void *));
            garbage_max *= 2;
    static void cache_collect_free(bucket_t *data, mask_t capacity)
        if (PrintCaches) recordDeadCache(capacity);
        _garbage_make_room ();
        garbage_byte_size += cache_t::bytesForCapacity(capacity);
        garbage_refs[garbage_count++] = data;


    void cache_collect(bool collectALot)
        // Done if the garbage is not full,可用内存未使用完不需要释放
        if (garbage_byte_size < garbage_threshold  &&  !collectALot) {
        // Synchronize collection with objc_msgSend and other cache readers
        if (!collectALot) {
            if (_collecting_in_critical ()) {//检验其他的线程是否正在发送消息或者读取,缓存不释放
                // objc_msgSend (or other cache reader) is currently looking in
                // the cache and might still be using some garbage.
                if (PrintCaches) {
                    _objc_inform ("CACHES: not collecting; "
                                  "objc_msgSend in progress");
        else {
            // No excuses.
            while (_collecting_in_critical()) //一直检验是否有发送该sel,或者读取缓存
        // No cache readers in progress - garbage is now deletable
        // Log our progress
        if (PrintCaches) {
            _objc_inform ("CACHES: COLLECTING %zu bytes (%zu allocations, %zu collections)", garbage_byte_size, cache_allocations, cache_collections);
        // Dispose all refs now in the garbage
        // Erase each entry so debugging tools don't see stale pointers.
        while (garbage_count--) {
            auto dead = garbage_refs[garbage_count];
            garbage_refs[garbage_count] = nil;
        // Clear the garbage count and total size indicator
        garbage_count = 0;
        garbage_byte_size = 0;
        if (PrintCaches) {
            size_t i;
            size_t total_count = 0;
            size_t total_size = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < countof(cache_counts); i++) {
                int count = cache_counts[i];
                int slots = 1 << i;
                size_t size = count * slots * sizeof(bucket_t);
                if (!count) continue;
                _objc_inform("CACHES: %4d slots: %4d caches, %6zu bytes", 
                             slots, count, size);
                total_count += count;
                total_size += size;
            _objc_inform("CACHES:      total: %4zu caches, %6zu bytes", 
                         total_count, total_size);
    void cache_t::expand()
        uint32_t oldCapacity = capacity();
        uint32_t newCapacity = oldCapacity ? oldCapacity*2 : INIT_CACHE_SIZE;//扩容的在之前的基础上翻倍。
        if ((uint32_t)(mask_t)newCapacity != newCapacity) {
            // mask overflow - can't grow further
            // fixme this wastes one bit of mask
            newCapacity = oldCapacity;
        reallocate(oldCapacity, newCapacity);//调用上面讲到过的reallocate


    bucket_t * cache_t::find(SEL s, id receiver)
        assert(s != 0);
        bucket_t *b = buckets();
        mask_t m = mask();
        mask_t begin = cache_hash(s, m);//hash算法
        mask_t i = begin;
        do {
            if (b[i].sel() == 0  ||  b[i].sel() == s) {
                return &b[i];
        } while ((i = cache_next(i, m)) != begin);//hash冲突解决方案,向上个位置查找
        // hack,没查找到,坏的缓存
        Class cls = (Class)((uintptr_t)this - offsetof(objc_class, cache));
        cache_t::bad_cache(receiver, (SEL)s, cls);
    static inline mask_t cache_hash(SEL sel, mask_t mask) 
        return (mask_t)(uintptr_t)sel & mask;//相当于%mask,确保所有结果都在buckets的容量之内,mask = capacity -1
    static inline mask_t cache_next(mask_t i, mask_t mask) {
        return i ? i-1 : mask;//返回前面一个桶子bucket,直到0的时候,返回mask(从最后一个位置开始继续往前找)


    STATIC_ENTRY _cache_getImp
        GetClassFromIsa_p16 p0//拿到isa,并放到p16寄存器
        CacheLookup GETIMP//查找imp
        mov p0, #0
        END_ENTRY _cache_getImp
    .macro CacheLookup
        // p1 = SEL, p16 = isa
        ldp p10, p11, [x16, #CACHE] // p10 = buckets, p11 = occupied|mask,通过isa的cache获取到对应的buckets放到p10寄存器,occupied|mask放到p11寄存器
    #if !__LP64__
        and w11, w11, 0xffff    // p11 = mask
        and w12, w1, w11        
    // x12 = _cmd & mask,64位走这个分支,w11寄存器(p11寄存器的32位)存放的mask,
        add p12, p10, p12, LSL #(1+PTRSHIFT)                 
    // p12 = buckets + ((_cmd & mask) << (1+PTRSHIFT)),上面提到bucket
    //是一个结构体,他的成员是sel跟imp,而且都是 uintptr_t类型,而uintptr_t就是
    //unsigned long类型,在64位下就是都占8个字节,随意一个bucket结构体所占的
    //首地址+每个元素所占内存的大小,即sel对应的bucket = buckets + index*16
    //也可以表示为bucket = buckets + index<<4,并且放到p12寄存器中。
        ldp p17, p9, [x12]      // {imp, sel} = *bucket,p12寄存器中的imp,sel取出来,分别放到p17和p9寄存器中
    1:  cmp p9, p1          // if (bucket->sel != _cmd),比较p1,p9寄存器中的sel
        b.ne    2f          //     scan more,不相等,跳转到2:
        CacheHit $0         // call or return imp ,相等,返回imp
    2:  // not hit: p12 = not-hit bucket,不相等
        CheckMiss $0            
    // miss if bucket->sel == 0,如果对应的sel为空,说明,没有缓存,直接return
        cmp p12, p10        
    // wrap if bucket == buckets,比较bucket是否为第一个元素
        b.eq    3f //为第一个元素,跳转到3
        ldp p17, p9, [x12, #-BUCKET_SIZE]!  
    // {imp, sel} = *--bucket,不是第一个元素,说明hash冲突,向上一个位置的
        b   1b          // loop,跳转到1,循环
    3:  // wrap: p12 = first bucket, w11 = mask
        add p12, p12, w11, UXTW #(1+PTRSHIFT)                          
     // p12 = buckets + (mask << 1+PTRSHIFT),移动到最后一个元素,并赋值给p12寄存器
        // Clone scanning loop to miss instead of hang when cache is corrupt.
        // The slow path may detect any corruption and halt later.
        ldp p17, p9, [x12]      
    // {imp, sel} = *bucket,将imp、sel存放在p17和p9寄存器中,继续下面的操作,
    1:  cmp p9, p1          // if (bucket->sel != _cmd)
        b.ne    2f          //     scan more
        CacheHit $0         // call or return imp
    2:  // not hit: p12 = not-hit bucket
        CheckMiss $0            // miss if bucket->sel == 0
        cmp p12, p10        // wrap if bucket == buckets
        b.eq    3f
        ldp p17, p9, [x12, #-BUCKET_SIZE]!  // {imp, sel} = *--bucket
        b   1b          // loop
    3:  // double wrap
        JumpMiss $0




          本文标题:iOS Class本质之cache_t
