Learn by phrase
Thick stack of paper
Split paper among them
With papers scattered and stacked around them
Configure for countless tasks
The demand for people who can code has skyrocketed
Tasks are time-consuming and trivial
Armed with a little bit of knowledge
It is not designed as a reference manual but a guide
It is a trade-off to make the code simpler to learn
Throwaway code , No much time spent on style and elegance
Veteran programmer
Sudoku puzzle
Find and fix error
Constructing a castle out of LEGO bricks
Inventory your available blocks
Pretty up the code
The book covers basic concepts
Have computer automate the tasks
A brief rundown of the chapters
Control panel
Interactive shell
Favorite search engine
Post questions
Text formatting
In all caps
Have questions beyond its scope
Wide range of syntactical constructions
Perform incredible feats
Arcane and tedious