

作者: 丁酱油 | 来源:发表于2015-12-28 14:18 被阅读27次





One Page Love Story - The First Love Letter

by Adam Stanley

As I chased you through the field where the grass was almost waist-high in places, and it was loud with the mid-summer insects that were alike an electrical pulse that permeated the humid air, I could feel it when it overcame me. The rumble of a distant thunderstorm echoed across the pastures, to the river, and all the way to the mountain, while Amethyst bursts of heat lightning lit up the dark purple sky. I caught up to you and we fell together in the grass and lay and waited on the rain.

It’s hard to say anything about love that has not already been said. Though there are a million love stories, every one of them seems to be a little bit different. It’s like the same 8 notes in music replayed over and over, sometimes at different speeds, softer here and louder there, often transposed until it has been heard in every possible key, with every modal change available to even the most talented composers and manipulators of music. Maybe that’s the one the thing that separates true love, from just another crush; it is the one difference in a passionate encounter that stays with you throughout your whole life, and a simple, even vulgar one night stand. Whether or not you can make up a new song, instead manipulating the songs of others. So I guess I am saying that my love like a melody that I never heard before I fell in love with you. A simple melody, like a birdsong, yet unforgettable as the voice of the one you truly love, singing you to sleep, night after long night.


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