

作者: iven_zf | 来源:发表于2018-05-26 21:39 被阅读42次


nodemon : 开发环境重启


common-bin: GitHub - node-modules/common-bin: Abstraction bin tool对不同的运行模式进行了区分


Egg 源码解析之 egg-cluster - 前端 - 掘金
get-ready: GitHub - node-modules/ready: NodeJS mixin to add one-time ready eventready 方法注册和启动
detect-port: GitHub - node-modules/detect-port: JavaScript Implementation of Port Detector判断端口是否占用
cfork: GitHub - node-modules/cfork: cluster fork and restart easy waycluster fock 和 restart 封装
debug: GitHub - visionmedia/debug: A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core’s debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers后端日子打点


delegates: GitHub - tj/node-delegates: Nodejs method and accessor delegation utility对对象新增属性和方法
url: GitHub - defunctzombie/node-url: node.js core url module as a module url 基本操作
glob: GitHub - isaacs/node-glob: glob functionality for node.js glob检索文件
mocha: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha 单元测试
power-assert: GitHub - power-assert-js/power-assert: Power Assert in JavaScript. Provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface. No API is the best API. 断言
ulility: GitHub - node-modules/utility: A collection of useful utilities. 基础工具类
camelcase: GitHub - sindresorhus/camelcase: Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBar 转成驼峰写法
mkdirp: GitHub - substack/node-mkdirp: Recursively mkdir, like mkdir -p, but in node.js mkdir -p 的 node.js 版本
koa-compose: GitHub - koajs/compose: Middleware composition utility 需要源码掌握
mz: GitHub - normalize/mz: modernize node.js to current ECMAScript standards node基础API支持新的ECMAScript 规范,例如promise
is-type-of: GitHub - node-modules/is-type-of: complete type checking for node
path-to-regexp: path解析器
moment: JS 日期 format ,validator 等


cron-parser: GitHub - harrisiirak/cron-parser: Node.js library for parsing crontab instructions nodejs定时器分析
safe-timers: GitHub - Wizcorp/safe-timers: Timers with near-infinite duration support setTimeout最多使用24.85天,所以用safe-times


stack-trace: 解析错误栈


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