idea:marry yourself .
1.When you marry yourself, it is to have and hold yourself. I think it means that you have the way you want someone else to love you. (和自己结婚,你会拥有并掌握自己,且你希望别人怎样爱你,你就会想那样爱你自己。)
2.I wasn't ever going to feel whole until i learned to love myself. (我永远也不能感觉到完整,直到我学会爱自己。)
3.When you marry yourself, this huge thing happens: you become able to love in this whole new way. You become able to love other people right where they are, for who they are, the same way you’re already loving yourself. And of course, this is what the world needs more of.
4.So when I married myself, and I realized that I already had everything I needed, I started seeing it as my job to basically just light up my little corner of the world. That’s my new job. Because I don’t need anything, I already have it.
这意味着在今后的生活,我对自己要有包容、理解、坦诚、信任、交流。 这也意味着我只为了自己而努力变好,无关他人,不取悦谁,成为喜欢的自己。 与此同时,“我是自己最好的朋友”了解自己,对自己友好。接受自己脆弱、玻璃心、难过时的一面,并给予时间慢慢自我治愈。 “爱人先爱己”要先学会好好爱自己,才能推己及人的更好爱她人爱世界,而我想这是个漫长的过程,并非一时半会儿就能学会的。唯有这样,“爱”才不会变成“碍"。