

作者: 柠条_ab02 | 来源:发表于2020-11-25 21:21 被阅读0次

above, adjust, among, begun, blunder, brother, bubble, budget, but, come, conductor, country, cousin, crumble, crust, cuff, cut, done, double, drug, enough, fumble, fun, function, funding, funny, fuzz, glove, gum, gushed, gust, hunt, husband, jump, love, lucky, lullaby, lumber, lunch, lung, money, month, mother, much, muddle, muffin, mug, mush, mushroom, mustard, nut, other, outrun, oven, plunge, plunk, public, publish, punch, punish, puppy, puzzle, refund, rub, rubbish, rubble, ruffle, runner, rush, Russian, shotgun, shove, shrug, shut, son, spun, struck, structure, struggle, strung, stubbly, stuck, study, stuff, stumble, stump, stunning, sudden, summer, Sunday, thump, tons, trouble, trust, under, undo, untie, up, uphold, upset, utter, won, young
试一试:take/make/have a stab (at),have it try, try it on
集美貌与才华于一身:papi is a girl who has the beauty and the brains
不太当真地想:toy with
老情人:old flame
你到底想干啥?你葫芦里卖的什么药?:What's the game?
你赢了:It's your game
他在搞鬼:It's his game
你敢尝试我就也敢尝试:I'm game if you are.
适合XX的料:be cut out for something
得饶人处且饶人:don't rub it in
故意刁难某人 欺骗某人: throw a curveball
有16种工作可供选择:There are 16 different jobs up for grabs
精英中的精英 飞机中的战斗机:the cream of the cream
等等之类:and what have you、


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