下面是 sangkrit 收集整理的 25 本免费的 Python 电子书。如果你是 Python 新手,并且不知该先看哪本,建议从第 12 本开始。
- Think Stats
- Dive Into Python
- A Byte Of Python
- Think Complexity
- Dive Into Python 3
- Building Skills In OOP
- Pyramid For Humans
- Flask Microframework
- Building Skills In Python
- Kivy Programming Guide
- Snake Wrangling For Kids
- An Introduction To Python
- Programmez Avec Python 2
- Programmez Avec Python 3
- Python Module Of The Week
- Learn Python The Hard Way
- The Standard Python Library
- Building Skills In Programming
- Python Scientific Lecture Notes
- Making Games With Python & Pygame
- Python 101 (an introduction to python)
- How To Think Like A Computer Scientist
- Natural Language Processing With Python
- Programming Computer Vision With Python