

作者: YolandaYanyoyo | 来源:发表于2017-08-15 19:44 被阅读0次

Anna Funder's narrative historical Stasiland explores the GDR's surveillance and control in East Germany before the Berlin Wall fell in the late 1980s. Similarly, George Orwell's fictitious novel Nineteen Eighty-Four imagines a totalitarian/dystopian society in which every aspect of human life is managed and exploited by the omnipotent Party. In the latter, the phrase 'who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past' is mentioned. Both texts first explore how they may first make use of present methods to gain access to manipulating the past. While the Party in 1984 goes on to prove how by making individuals lose their humanity, they affect the future state of their society, the GDR in Stasiland fails to fully affect the futures of its people. (contention) The two texts each differ in their ways of affecting the citizens, but are both successful in dehumanising them. Subsequently, the dehumanisation of individuals is used to change the future of the countries, such as marriage relationships and parent-child relationships, but while the Party succeeded.


The rewriting the history occurs in both of text, with Winston’s job in the Ministry of the truth consisting of changing old newspaper stories to agree with the current circumstances according to the party,such as whether Oceania is at the war with Eurasia and Eastasia. The GDR also uses the similar aims where as Hagen Koch tells about the father’s experience,Anna is describe the way in which’ almost overnight the Germans in the eastern states were made, or made themselves ,innocent Nazism,in a rewriting of history that matches anything that orwell dreamt up for nighteen eightyfour . the only difference here is that in Orwell’s novel it is the party alone that is redrawing the history for its own benefit, whereas the ordinary East German people also had a strong motive for absolving themselves of guilt when it came to Nazi past.

Propaganda has been position the citizen to be entirely dehumanized. People’s mind has been contort by some extent, they are acting ambitious, brainless people in that period. In nineteen Eighty four London is covered with everywhere shabby poster, “big brother is watching you”. It will makes people fear about the big brother, thinks that every thought that come out of Big brother  that is right, it will affected the future also. Also known as the 1984, people are not allow with their relationship with each other in the totalitarian society.


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