Old power meet New power-Jeremy

Old power meet New power-Jeremy

作者: 亲爱的尾巴 | 来源:发表于2016-10-19 05:21 被阅读0次

In the last 20 years, something more fundamental has changed than just new tech, there has been a fundamental shift in the balance of power in the world.

New power is the deployment of mass participation and peer coordination

Old power is held like a currency, 

new power works like a current; 

Old power is held by a few, 

new power is made by many. 

Old power is all about downloads,

new power uploads.

Command vs Shares

Leader-driven vs Peer-driven

new power is not the inevitable victor, in fact, unsurprisingly, so many of these new power models get to scale, what you see is this massive push-back from the forces of old power. Just look at this really interesting epic struggle going on rightn ow between Edward Snowden and the NSA. You will note that only one of the two people on this slide is currently in exile.

we’re at the beginning of a very steep curve.

what is interesting about new power is the way it fees on itself.

�New power values prize transparency above all else.

Will the next big Uber be co-owned by Uber drivers?

We have major structural problems in the world today that could benefit enormously from the kinds of mass participation and peer coordination that these new powers players know so well how to generate. And we badly need them to turn their energies and their power to big, what economists might call public goods problems that are often beyond markets where investors can easily be found.

We might be able to fundamentally change not only human being’s sense of their own agency and power, but we might also be able to change the way we relate to each other and the way we relate to austerities and institutions.



      本文标题:Old power meet New power-Jeremy
