Walking Along the Lake 湖边漫步

Walking Along the Lake 湖边漫步

作者: Doris_super | 来源:发表于2019-10-23 15:08 被阅读0次

    Anna and Jeremy are taking a pleasant walk along the lake.


    Anna & Jeremy:


    Jeremy: Albert的同事兼好朋友

    Anna: Look,the setting sun reddens the whole sky.

    安娜: 看,夕阳染红了整个天空。

    Jeremy: Wow...quite marvelous,isn't it?

    杰里米: 哇……很奇妙的,不是吗?

    Anna: Yeah. And the cool breeze is blowing across the beautiful lake.

    安娜: 是的。凉爽的微风吹过美丽的湖面。

    Jeremy: We should really hang out more often to explore this charming city.

    杰里米: 我们应该多出去逛逛,探索这个迷人的城市。

    Anna: Absolutely! And have more tasty Chinese food.

    安娜: 当然! 吃更多美味的中国食物。

    Jeremy: You bet! Nothing compares to barbecue with beer in a summer evening.

    杰里米: 没错! 没有什么比得上夏日傍晚的烧烤和啤酒。

    Anna: Well,not for me. I love barbecue but it hates me! I don't wanna see a doctor again.

    安娜: 嗯,对我来说不是。我喜欢烧烤,但它讨厌我! 我不想再看医生了。

    Jeremy: Haha! Do you feel better now?

    杰里米: 哈哈! 你现在感觉好点了吗?

    Anna: Yeah,thanks for taking me to the hospital. And I haven't eaten any barbecue since that day.

    安娜: 是的,谢谢你带我去医院。从那天起我就没吃过烧烤。

    Jeremy: Once bitten,twice shy,huh!

    杰里米: 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳!

    Anna: Haha! You don't wanna go with me to the hospital again,do you?

    安娜: 哈哈! 你不想再和我一起去医院,是吗?

    Jeremy: Well,I'll be there for you if you need me.

    杰里米: 如果你需要我,我会在你身边。

    Anna: Look,Jer,I have something to tell you. I'm falling in love with someone.

    安娜: 听着,杰里,我有事要告诉你。我爱上了某人。

    Jeremy: Wow,big news! Do I know him?

    杰里米: 哇,大新闻! 我认识他吗?

    Anna: Well,he is really kind and sweet.

    安娜: 嗯,他真的很和蔼可亲。

    Jeremy: Wait...is he Albert?

    杰里米: 等下...他是艾尔伯特吗?

    Anna: Um...Albert is a nice guy but no. I like YOU,Jeremy.But I'm not sure wether you...

    安娜: 嗯…艾尔伯特是个好人,但不是他。我喜欢你,杰里米。但我不确定你是否……

    Jeremy: Oh Anna! I have the same feeling. I've had a crush on you ever since I met you.

    杰里米: 噢,安娜! 我也有同样的感觉。自从我遇见你,我就一直迷恋着你。


    setting sun:落日;斜阳

    marvelous:adj. 了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的

    breeze:n. 微风;轻而易举的事;煤屑;焦炭渣;小风波

    blowing:v. 吹;鼓风;被吹走;充气;离开(blow 的现在分词)

    Once bitten,twice shy:一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

    crush:n. 拥挤的人群;迷恋;果汁饮料;(不大熟识的)热恋的对象;暗恋;猛兽隔离区



          本文标题:Walking Along the Lake 湖边漫步
