Life's meaning

Life's meaning

作者: 江右十三酥 | 来源:发表于2018-07-22 23:36 被阅读13次

But things are different now

And doubt is a luxury we can't afford any more,sweetie.

You have more power than you realise.

Don't think 

And don't  worry.

If the time cames , you'll know what to do.

It's in your blood.

今天 看超人总动员,大女儿VV自卑,信心不足,老妈是这么鼓励她走出来的。V在家人遇到危险的时候,也开始收起内心的卑微感,勇敢面对生活带来的挑战。从此耷拉下来的长发,在发夹的作用下收起,露出自信的额头,信心的面容。


工作上些许情绪,需要收起,打住。这是个人的工作,需要自己学会调整内心,收起不敢做不想做不能做的想法,大胆前行。我还年轻,允许错误。越早犯错,才能越早成长。收起懒惰的心理,收起不敢做的无为而治的心态,对懒政duo政say No。


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