lesson 8

作者: diligentgirl | 来源:发表于2019-11-17 10:09 被阅读0次

    words and phrases:

    legitimate government 合法政府

    unalienable rights (inalienable rights) to life,liberty,and property 不可剥夺的权利

    be/get carried aˈway:to get very excited or lose control of your feelings 变得很激动;失去自制力

    ◆ I got carried away and started shouting at the television. 我激动得不能自持,冲着电视机大叫起来。


     adj [only before noun ] including or affecting all possible cases, situations or people 包括所有情形(或人员)的;总括的;综合的

    ◆ a blanket banon tobacco advertising 烟草广告的全面取缔◆ a blanket refusal 完全拒绝

    VERB[often passive ] blanket sth ( formal) to cover sth completely with a thick layer 以厚层覆盖

    ◆ Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground. 冻土上很快就形成了一层厚厚的积雪。

    a ˈwhole lot ( informal) very much; a lot 非常;很多

    ◆ I'm feeling a whole lot better. 我觉得好得多了。

     a ˈwhole lot (of sth) ( informal) a large number or amount 许许多多;大量

    ◆ There were a whole lot of people I didn't know. 有许多人我都不认识。

    military conscription 征兵制


    1.sanction sth ( formal) to give permission for sth to take place 许可;准许;准予

    ◆ The government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates. 政府拒绝批准进一步降低利率。

    2 sanction sb/sth ( technical 术语 ) to punish sb/sth; to impose a sanction  (1 ) on sth 惩罚;实施制裁

    single sb/sth↔ˈout (for sth/as sb/sth)to choose sb/sth from a group for special attention 单独挑出

    ◆ She was singled out for criticism. 把她单挑出来进行批评。

    promulgate sth

    1[usually passive ]  to spread an idea, a belief, etc. among many people 传播;传扬;宣传

    2promulgatesth to announce a new law or system officially or publicly 宣布,颁布,发布(新法律或体制)


    The plot thickens if you look ahead to sth.



    John Locke:private property + consent

    legitimate government:consent + limited government

    implied consent

    collective consent



        本文标题:lesson 8
