Dear John Day 8

Dear John Day 8

作者: 木兮_c7ad | 来源:发表于2017-11-15 22:46 被阅读0次

1. 我读


2. 我答

1. She was thinking that she wished he'd been with her the last couple of days. She enjoyed getting to know everyone better, but it just felt like something with wrong, she was missing something, and then she realized it was John.

2. She felt right,easy and comfortable, just like the way it was supposed to her and like it was with her parents.

3. The house which was built by Savannah's team.

4. She said the Chinese character told her that he lived life by his own rules and didn't always care what people thought. The infantry one showed he was proud of what he did. And the barbed wire showed that went with who he was when he was younger.

5. Her love experience wasn't very happy which made her freshman year wasn't easy and she wanted to quit school. But she learned from it.

6. She said she also loved John.


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