【Level 3】【Note】Unit 5

【Level 3】【Note】Unit 5

作者: djflying | 来源:发表于2018-02-22 13:23 被阅读4次

    Unit 5 Money and buying

    Unit overview


    Choosing a product

    【Vocabulary】Adjectives for products


    1. There are many adjectives you can use to describe products. One way to remember them is by learning their opposites at the same time.
      old - new
      slow - fast

    2. When using more than one adjective, separate them with and or a comma ( , ).
      My desktop computer's really old and slow. I need a new, fast laptop.

    3. Many adjectives have more than one opposite. These opposites can have the same or different meanings. Here are some examples of different adjectives with the same meaning.
      attractive - unattractive
      attractive - ugly
      safe - unsafe
      safe - dangerous

    4. Be careful when using the adjective cheap. It can mean both inexpensive and poorly made.
      expensive - inexpensive
      expensive - cheap
      That's a cheap price. Buy it!
      That computer looks cheap. Don't buy it.

    5. Here are some other adjectives for describing products.
      powerful - weak
      heavy - light
      reliable - unreliable
      easy - difficult
      fancy - plain

    【Grammar】Comparative adjectives

    1. When two people or things are compared, the adjective becomes a comparative and is followed by than. For one-syllable adjectives, -er is added to form the comparative.
      slow > slower than
      The desktop computer is slower than the laptop computer.

    2. For adjectives of two syllables or more, use more or less + adjective + than. The adjective does not change.
      expensive > more expensive than / less expensive than
      The laptop computer is more expensive than the desktop.
      The desktop computer is less expensive than the laptop.

    3. If the listener already knows what you're talking about, the than part of the sentence can be left out.
      My old computer is slow. I need something faster. (than my old computer)
      A: You can buy a desktop or a laptop computer.
      B: The laptop is more expensive. (than the desktop computer)

    【Reading】Reading about computers

    Read the descriptions of three different computers.

    Computer A is $1,200. 
    It's a laptop. 
    It's fast and powerful. 
    It's very reliable. 
    It's also attractive and light.
    Computer B is a desktop. 
    It's cheaper than computer A. 
    It's $699. 
    It's also slower and less powerful. 
    It is very reliable. 
    It's also attractive but a lot heavier than computer A.
    Computer C is a great laptop. 
    It's faster and lighter than computer A. 
    It's also very reliable and attractive. 
    It is a very cool computer, but it costs $2,300.

    【Final Task】Choosing a product

    You have been directed by your boss to purchase new computers for your company. It can be either a laptop or desktop, but it needs to be fast. You cannot spend more than $2,000 per computer. Which computer should you buy?

    Computer A is a laptop. 
    It's only $999. 
    It's attractive and light. 
    It's also very reliable.
    Computer B is a desktop. 
    It costs $1,750. 
    It's very reliable. 
    It's also a lot faster and more powerful than computer A.
    Computer C is an excellent laptop. 
    It's lighter, faster and more attractive than computers A and B. 
    It's also very reliable. It costs $2,500.

    Making a purchase

    【Vocabulary】Electronic product

    1. e-reader

    a book-sized electronic device on which electronic books can be read
    e.g. Dave likes reading books at night on his new e-reader.

    1. desktop computer

    a computer with a keyboard, screen and main processing unit, that fits on a desk

    1. laptop computer

    a computer, keyboard and mouse all in one that is small and lightweight so it can be easily carried
    e.g. John likes to work on his laptop computer at the coffee shop some mornings.

    1. tablet computer

    an extra small computer that has a touch screen instead of a keyboard for inputing data
    e.g. She loves all of the applications available for her tablet computer.

    1. smartphone

    a mobile phone/cell phone that also has some of the functions of a computer

    1. cellphone

    a telephone that does not have wires and works by radio, that you can carry with you and use anywhere
    e.g. I called my aunt on my cellphone.

    1. digital camera

    a camera that takes digital photographs that can be displayed on a screen or printed
    e.g. I love seeing the photos instantly on my digital camera.

    1. TV

    e.g. What's on TV tonight?

    1. game console

    an interactive computer that is used with a monitor or television to play video games
    e.g. This is the best game console I've ever had!

    【Grammar】'Need,' 'want,' 'like' + infinitive

    1. Use the verbs need, want and like with an infinitive (to + verb) to make statements. Examples of the infinitives in the following statements are to get, to buy and to play.
      I need to get a new computer.
      I want to buy a new tablet.
      I like to play computer games.
      He doesn't like to play computer games.

    2. Sometimes the infinitive verb can be removed, and the statement has the same meaning.
      I need a new computer.
      I want a new tablet.
      I like computer games.
      He doesn't like computer games.

    3. You can also use need, want and like with an infinitive to ask and answer questions.
      A: What do you need to do?
      B: I need to clean my apartment.
      A: What do you want to do?
      B: I want to go shopping.
      A: What do you like to do?
      B: I like to play computer games.

    4. Sentences

    I really like to surf the internet and chat online, but I have an old computer. 
    I need to get some money, and I need to buy a new computer. 
    I want to buy a tablet, and I want to buy it today!

    【Expressions】Purchasing a product


    1. When purchasing a product in a store, you will be offered help or you can ask for help.
      May I help you?
      Excuse me. Could you help me?

    2. Once you have someone to help you, tell them what you need.
      I want to buy a new camera.
      I need a game console for my son.
      I'm looking for a TV.
      Could you tell me about your digital cameras?

    3. You can ask specific questions about the product you are interested in.
      How much is it?
      Is there a warranty?
      What's it made of?
      Is it reliable?
      Is it easy to use?

    4. The salesperson might tell you about the store's promotions.
      It's on sale today.
      It's 25% off.

    5. If you decide to buy the product, you can say:
      I'll take it.

    6. If you decide not to buy the product, you can say:
      I don't think so.
      I need to think about it.

    7. When you're paying for a product, these phrases might come up:
      How would you like to pay?
      Cash or credit?
      Could I see your ID?
      Please sign here.
      Here's your receipt and credit card.

    8. dialog

    WOMAN: I'm looking for an e-reader.
    MAN: This one's very popular.
    WOMAN: How much is it?
    MAN: It's on sale for $299. It's very reliable, it's light, and it's easy to use.
    WOMAN: OK. I'll take it.
    MAN: Cash or credit?
    WOMAN: Credit card, please.

    【Grammar】Irregular comparative adjectives

    1. Remember that for regular adjectives of only one syllable, -er is added to form the comparative.
      fast > faster than
      My new computer is much faster than my old one.
      cheap > cheaper than
      The cellphone is cheaper than the smartphone.

    2. For short adjectives ending in e, add -r.
      safe > safer than

    3. For short adjectives ending in a vowel and then a consonant, double the consonant.
      big > bigger than

    4. For short and long adjectives ending in y, change the y to i and add -er.
      easy > easier than
      pretty > prettier than
      This e-reader is easier to use than that one.

    5. Irregular comparative adjectives, however, do not use the root form.
      good > better than
      bad > worse than
      far > farther than
      little > less than
      much > more than
      The tablet is better than the desktop.
      My new smartphone cost more than a computer.

    6. There are also some two-syllable adjectives that can follow the rule for both short and long adjectives.
      quiet > quieter than
      quiet > more quiet than
      Your street is quieter than my street.
      Your street is more quiet than my street.
      friendly > friendlier than
      friendly > more friendly than
      The woman is friendlier than the man.
      The woman is more friendly than the man.

    Returning a purchase

    【Vocabulary】Review: clothing

    1. dress

    a piece of women's clothing that is made in one piece and covers the body down to the legs, sometimes reaching to below the knees, or to the ankles
    e.g. a long white dress

    1. jacket

    a piece of clothing worn on the top half of the body over a shirt, etc. that has sleeves and fastens down the front; a short, light coat
    e.g. a denim/tweed jacket

    1. shirt

    a piece of clothing (usually for men), worn on the upper part of the body, made of light cloth, with sleeves and usually with a collar and buttons down the front
    e.g. to wear a shirt and tie

    1. jeans

    trousers/pants made of strong cotton, especially denim
    e.g. a faded pair of blue jeans

    1. shorts

    short trousers/pants that end above or at the knee
    e.g. a pair of tennis shorts

    1. skirt

    a piece of clothing for a woman or girl that hangs from the waist
    e.g. a long/short/straight/pleated, etc. skirt

    1. T-shirt

    an informal shirt with short sleeves and no collar or buttons, or just a few buttons at the top

    1. socks

    a piece of clothing that is worn over the foot, ankle and lower part of the leg, especially inside a shoe
    e.g. a pair of socks

    1. pants

    e.g. a new pair of pants

    1. shoes

    one of a pair of outer coverings for your feet, usually made of leather or plastic
    e.g. shoe polish

    【Expressions】Describing product problems

    1. Use these questions to ask about product problems:
      What's the problem?
      What's wrong with it?
      What's the matter?

    2. A more formal version of the question is:
      What seems to be the problem?

    3. Here are some ways to describe product problems:
      It's too big.
      It doesn't fit.
      There's a hole in it.
      It's stained.
      It's damaged.
      It doesn't work.
      It's broken.
      It's too difficult to use.
      I don't like it.

    4. dialog

    JACK: Oh! This digital camera!
    NANCY: What's the problem?
    JACK: It doesn't work.
    NANCY: Is it broken?
    JACK: No, it's just too difficult to use.
    NANCY: Can I help?
    JACK: No, I don't like it. I'm going to the store. 

    【Expressions】Returning a purchase


    1. Here are some useful phrases when you are returning a purchase:
      I'd like to return these shorts.
      I'd like a refund, please.
      I'd like to exchange this dress.

    2. The customer service representative will likely ask why you want to return or exchange the item.
      What seems to be the problem?
      Is there something wrong with it?

    3. Give your reason for the return or exchange.
      It doesn't work.
      It doesn't fit.
      There's nothing wrong. I just don't like it.

    4. You will usually be asked if you have a receipt.
      Do you have the receipt?

    5. There are various ways you might get your money back.
      Here's your refund of $27.99.
      Here's a store credit for $27.99.

    【Final Task】Returning an item of clothing

    You are returning a shirt because it is too big. Listen and record the correct response. When you see a blank, give true information about yourself.


    Talking about prices in your country

    【Vocabulay】Cost of living


    1. education

    a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills
    e.g. primary/elementary education

    1. technology

    machinery or equipment designed using technology
    e.g. The company has invested in the latest technology.

    1. transportation

    a means of conveyance or travel from one place to another
    e.g. I get off at the next train station.

    1. utilities

    a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply
    e.g. the administration of public utilities

    1. food

    things that people or animals eat
    e.g. a shortage of food/food shortages

    1. clothing

    clothes, especially a particular type of clothes
    e.g. protective clothing

    1. housing

    houses, flats/apartments, etc. that people live in, especially when referring to their type, price or condition
    e.g. public/private housing

    1. gasoline

    a flammable liquid used for fuel
    e.g. I fill up my tank with gasoline once a week.

    1. entertainment

    films/movies, music, etc. used to entertain people; an example of this
    e.g. radio, television and other forms of entertainment

    1. healthcare

    The service of providing medical care
    e.g. Healthcare consumes a large share of the government's budget.

    【Expressions】Explaining increases and decreases

    1. Use these expressions to explain an increase in something:
      Prices are going up.
      The rent is going to increase.
      Company sales are up.

    2. Use these expressions to explain a decrease in something:
      Company sales are going down.
      The temperature is going to decrease.
      Gas prices are down.

    3. When we get bad news about an increase or decrease, we can say that it hurts. Obviously, it doesn't physically hurt, but we use this expression to say that the increase or decrease is unwelcome.
      A: The price of food is up 25%.
      B: Ouch! That hurts.

    4. The amount of money we need to live on is called the cost of living.
      The cost of living is going up and up.

    5. dialog

    More bad news today: 
    The prices of housing and utilities are both up by more than 20%. 
    Gas prices are going to increase for the next few months. 
    The cost of education is also going up.  
    There is some good news: The price of food is down by 10%.

    【Vocabulary】Adverbs with '-ly'

    1. Adverbs of manner modify the meaning of a verb. They are usually made by adding -ly to the end of an adjective. For example, the adverbs slowly and quickly give us important information about the verb decreasing.
      slow > slowly
      The price is decreasing slowly.
      quick > quickly
      The price is decreasing quickly.

    2. If the adjective ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add -ly at the end.
      busy > busily
      The people in the office are working busily.
      lazy > lazily
      He's walking lazily down the street.

    3. Not all adjectives can be turned into adverbs with -ly. Here are three important examples:
      good > well
      He is doing well in school.
      fast > fast
      Gas prices are going up fast.
      hard > hard
      She studies really hard.

    【Reading】Reading about prices

    Read about the cost of living in this man's country, and answer the questions. Select the correct answer.

    In my country, prices are always increasing. 
    Healthcare and housing costs are going up fast. 
    Prices for food are also increasing, but more slowly. 
    People live well, but the cost of living is difficult. 
    The good news is that technology prices are decreasing. 
    I want to buy a new tablet computer, but it's too expensive right now.



          本文标题:【Level 3】【Note】Unit 5
