

作者: 独家真品 | 来源:发表于2018-04-09 15:54 被阅读0次

    6 months since the Token Sale: a big thank you!

    Hey everybody! 

    Exactly six months has passed since the end of our Token Sale, but so much has happened since then that it feels like years. We’ve launched new products, opened new offices, hired a lot of talented people, and, of course, been on a rollercoaster ride along with the rest of the market.

    Everything that we do is possible only with your support. Our vision for a future where Hybrid Intelligence solves challenges of increasing uncertainty relies on a vibrant and growing ecosystem of analysts, intelligence investors, and token holders. We are one of the few token economies with a real community that drives the life of its ecosystem!

    In this article we want to thank everyone who has supported us and continues to do so no matter what! We can’t personally name all of you, but we deeply value your commitment to our community.

    We want to specifically mention some of the people who helped us most (we’re sure this list will continue to expand).

    In Our Telegram Chat and Reddit… 


    Thank you Wbe4ever for believing in us. We truly appreciate your constructive feedback, sleepless nights in our Telegram chat, trolling, excellent jokes, FUD fighting, hosting Kate in Australia and even delivering Tim Tams (though we’re still waiting for Kate to bring them to us). And congrats on becoming a superforecaster, you rock!

    Thank you Jack Black for all your help now and then. Your memes and gifs are awesome. Thank you for being a wonderful person, stopping FUD, taking numerous DMs from community members (and well, even being reported as a spammer for this — oops).

    Thank you Raphael for helping us with Discord applications and moderating our Telegram chat. Your quiet support means a lot to us!

    Thank you Pharys for all your help during the Token Sale, for your feedback and for your suggestions. And of course thank you for that job of catching the funniest jokes in our chat!

    Thank you Kai for all your continuous help and support, as well as for meeting Kate in Australia :)

    Thank you Alexander (Mypuk) and all Russian forecasters for your feedback for our crowd forecasting platform, suggestions for development and for just being with us since the early days!

    Thank you Oliver for your help during our Token Sale, trolling fudders as well as adding cool pusheen stickers to the existing pack :)

    Thank you Kunio for being the Cindicator ambassador to Japan. Your efforts to spread the word about us among the Japanese community were invaluable. And a special thank you for visiting us last year! It’s always a pleasure to meet members of our community in person.

    Thank you Ruben for managing our Spanish community and spending your free time on translating articles about us into Spanish. We really appreciate your enormous help and support during the Token Sale!

    Thank you Ross for managing our community across all social channels during the Token Sale and afterwards. It was real hard work and we are lucky that we had you as our team member. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours!

    Thank you Mow Lin for your world-class banning skills, trolling fudders, answering numerous similar questions calmly and supporting us!

    Thank you Erwan for your helpful suggestions, banning spammers and patiently answering questions in our Telegram chat. Your enormous support is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you Alexis for sharing your experience about using our bot with our community members when they ask, as well giving valuable feedback and suggestions regarding the development of our crowd forecasting platform and analytical products.

    Thank you Royalasgard Sneomis for supporting us and sharing your experience about our products. Your post on Reddit was really cool. Thank you for being a wonderful person and an excellent community member :)

    Thank you Diddy Carter and Lisa_Ai for creating an unofficial chat after the unlocking of our token and before the official listing on Binance. We banned a lot of people in those days because of FUD and trolling, and all those people came to you to complain about it, but in the end it became a friendly crypto community and a coveted ICO research group with lots of memes, gifs and cool jokes.

    Thank you Skaan Barry for your help and support during Token Sale, especially with the Telegram chat :)

    Thank you bigdog192 for your feedback, insights and support — it means a lot!

    Our Discord 

    Thank you Christopher for your relentless support, feedback and suggestions in our Discord chat, as well as sharing stories about your little son with us :)

    Thank you Georgety for being so creative and even making a website about our indicators. While the website is no longer available, our product team still finds your insights invaluable. Let’s keep in touch!

    Thank you Ash for all your support, your suggestions for the crowd forecasting platform, and for reporting all the bugs. And of course thank you for being one of the best forecasters in traditional markets for so many years!

    Thank you UreshiiBonta for all your suggestions, feedback and support, we’re happy to have you in our Discord!

    Thank you Bernhard for all your valuable feedback and suggestions for the future development of Cindicator :)

    … and around the world 

    It almost hurts that we can’t personally thank each and every one of you. There are many thousands of people who have supported us before, during and after the Token Sale. You all live in different countries and we often don’t even know your real names. But we truly appreciate your help, your support, and your contributions, even if your screen name doesn’t appear in this article.

    The community is the heart of the Cindicator ecosystem. You are the crucial part of Hybrid Intelligence and provide its symbiotic power. And let’s be honest — you rock!

    We will try to find more ways of recognising and rewarding your valuable input. If you have ideas for engaging everyone in our community, ping Yana in our Telegram or Discord — she will be happy to chat with everyone!

    Together we are making the new economy more intelligent and its ecosystem more fruitful!


    Yana and the Cindicator team

    P.S. A bit of statictics: 

    Token holders — from 4k to almost 15k+

    Analysts (app and webplatform): from 20k to over 83k

    Twitter: from 5k to 37k+ followers

    Telegram: from 3k to 8k+ followers

    Medium: from 100 to almost 4k followers

    Facebook: from 400 to 4k+ followers

    Reddit — from 2k to 6k+ members

    Spread the world, guys, invite your friends, let our community grow and thrive!



