2020-03-08 The Early Morning Rou

2020-03-08 The Early Morning Rou

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2020-03-08 18:11 被阅读0次

    All successful entrepreneurs are not the same. Sometimes they offer contradicting advice. Those who try to listen to every one of them get confused.

    But you can find something that you can relate to which can help set a good tone for the day.

    1. Meditation

    There are meditation routines that are not in the yoga style. Some have developed their own unique ways of clearing their minds. It could be in the form of silent prayer or internalizing an expression of gratitude.

    Meditation makes it possible to let go of stressful thoughts. Stressful thoughts create undue pressure which leads to bad decisions. Successful entrepreneurs understand the need to start the day with a sharp mind.

    2. Jump into cold water

    The idea of jumping into cold water is getting out of the comfort zone. It is also learning to take fast action. It sets the mind in a mode of fast implementation.

    Having a hot bath after the cold water experience is ideal. But the cold water experience is a very important one. When it gets to the time to make a decision during the day, it is easy to jump into the cold water. This is because indecision is a decision.

    3. Credos or morning confession

    A morning confession or credo is something you recite to yourself every morning. For most, it is the first thing they open their mouths to say every morning. There are several reasons for this.

    The personality of every person is developed by words. If you allow the words that shape your person to be spoken by other people, you will become what others speak of you. But the way to shape your own destiny is to say to yourself what you want to be constantly.


    Having an early morning routine is one of the best ways to improve productivity. I hope you found something useful.



        本文标题:2020-03-08 The Early Morning Rou
