

作者: 影刻光雕 | 来源:发表于2020-03-23 00:27 被阅读0次










I don't know what exactly causes it.

I just saw them.

tiny as they are, I just felt like I owned the whole world at that moment.

I saw a baby sitting on the seat, appearing to be unwilling to give up his place.

Actually, his uncle was constant to persuade him to behave well.

At that moment, I thought of how spoiled the baby was.

A feeling of depression just absorbed me

I didn't feel well.

However, something had changed.

After a while, the baby turned up his head, asking his mom,

“Mom, didn’t you feel tired? How about sitting by my side?”

Mom shook her head slightly.

Then, his little brother rushed into the scene

At that moment, I sunk into a fantasy——

two little boys were playing, laughing without any frustration

Their grandmom—— a po.

sitting by my side, looking at them with a satisfied smile

At that moment, something occurred to my mind-——

That is what so-called Chinese love

every generation pass their love down to the next one as well as beyond the age gap

and that is selflessness without expecting something back.

and a little baby when was gave birth can have a certain nature——

they know how to love

they have the capability of taking care of the world they cherish.

they understand what it means to express "cherish"

A warm surge just flows along my track of blood moving.

Moreover, I inspected the surroundings

what a miracle it is!

I saw people who struggle for their life, carrying the tool, holding their phones

I saw people who put their loved one on heart, embracing them directly, gazing into them silently in the great distance.

I saw people just come into existence, just owning to their diverse way of living.

At last, I just forgot everything, only preserving the little luck in mind...


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