React Native ART
类似于 h5 的 svg
打印 ART 发现如下内容:
Surface:ƒ Surface()
Group:ƒ Group()
Shape:ƒ Shape()
ClippingRectangle:ƒ ClippingRectangle()
Text:ƒ Text()
Pattern:ƒ Pattern(url, width, height, left, top)
Path:ƒ (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
Transform:ƒ (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
LinearGradient:ƒ LinearGradient(stops, x1, y1, x2, y2)
RadialGradient:ƒ RadialGradient(stops, fx, fy, rx, ry, cx, cy)
constructor: ƒ (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
initialize: ƒ initialize(path)
reset: ƒ reset()
close: ƒ close()
line: ƒ line(x, y)
lineTo: ƒ lineTo(x, y)
move: ƒ move(x, y)
moveTo: ƒ moveTo(x, y)
arc: ƒ arc(x, y, rx, ry, outer, counterClockwise, rotation)
arcTo: ƒ arcTo(x, y, rx, ry, outer, counterClockwise, rotation)
counterArc: ƒ counterArc(x, y, rx, ry, outer)
counterArcTo: ƒ counterArcTo(x, y, rx, ry, outer)
curve: ƒ curve(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, ex, ey)
curveTo: ƒ curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, ex, ey)
onArc: ƒ onArc(sx, sy, ex, ey, cx, cy, rx, ry, sa, ea, ccw, rotation)
onBezierCurve: ƒ onBezierCurve(sx, sy, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y)
onClose: ƒ onClose()
onLine: ƒ onLine(sx, sy, x, y)
onMove: ƒ onMove(sx, sy, x, y)
onReset: ƒ onReset()
push: ƒ push()
toJSON: ƒ toJSON()
_arcToBezier: ƒ onArc(sx, sy, ex, ey, cx, cy, rx, ry, sa, ea, ccw, rotation)
【ART.Transform 】
constructor: ƒ (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
initialize: ƒ Transform(xx, yx, xy, yy, x, y)
inversePoint: ƒ inversePoint(x, y)
move: ƒ move(x, y)
moveTo: ƒ moveTo(x, y)
point: ƒ point(x, y)
resizeTo: ƒ resizeTo(width, height)
rotate: ƒ rotate(deg, x, y)
rotateTo: ƒ rotateTo(deg, x, y)
scale: ƒ scale(x, y)
scaleTo: ƒ scaleTo(x, y)
transform: ƒ transform(xx, yx, xy, yy, x, y)
transformTo: ƒ Transform(xx, yx, xy, yy, x, y)
translate: ƒ translate(x, y)
分组,类似于 View,可指定内容在画布绘制的起点。
ART 绘制的核心,d属性指定绘制路径
line: ƒ line(x, y)
lineTo: ƒ lineTo(x, y)
move: ƒ move(x, y)
moveTo: ƒ moveTo(x, y)
arc: ƒ arc(x, y, rx, ry, outer, counterClockwise, rotation)
arcTo: ƒ arcTo(x, y, rx, ry, outer, counterClockwise, rotation)
counterArc: ƒ counterArc(x, y, rx, ry, outer)
counterArcTo: ƒ counterArcTo(x, y, rx, ry, outer)
curve: ƒ curve(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, ex, ey)
curveTo: ƒ curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, ex, ey)
- reset 重置当前的路径,类似于 canvas 的 beginPath()
- close 用线段闭合当前点到当前子段的第一个点(之前如果线不连续则最开始的一段不在闭合区域内)
- move/moveTo 从一点移动到另一点
- line/lineTo 从一点画线到另一点
- arc/arcTo 从一点通过顺时针画曲线到另一点
- counterArc/counterArcTo 从一点通过逆时针画曲线到另一点
- 带to的都是绝对位置,不带to的都是相对位置。
LinearGradient(stops, x1, y1, x2, y2)
stops 停的位置与颜色,(x1,y1) 起点 (x2,y2) 终点
RadialGradient(stops, fx, fy, rx, ry, cx, cy)
transform(scaleX, skewX, skewY, scaleY, translateX, translateY)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
render() {
const path = new ART.Path();
path.moveTo(10, 10);
path.lineTo(20, 10);
path.reset(); // Reset the current path. Just like beginPath in canvasRenderingContext2d.
path.moveTo(50, 50);
path.lineTo(50, 100);
path.lineTo(100, 100);
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
<ART.Surface width={400} height={1500} visible={false} style={{ backgroundColor: '#eee' }}>
{/* 第一组 Shape 线段 moveTo lineTo*/}
<ART.Group x={10} y={10}>
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={5} // 描边的宽度
fill="#0000ff" // 填充的颜色
// strokeDash={[10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30]} // 长度 line-gap-line-gap-... repeat
strokeCap="round" // cap style of path end. oneOf(["butt", "round"(default), "square"])
strokeJoin="bevel" // path join point style. oneOf(["miter", "round"(default), "bevel"])
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(10, 10).move(10, 10).lineTo(40, 10).moveTo(40, 40).lineTo(40, 80).lineTo(80, 80).close()} //
{/* 第二组 Text 文字 */}
<ART.Group x={100} y={10}>
strokeWidth={5} // 描边宽度
stroke="#00ff00" // 描边颜色
fill="#000000" // 文字颜色
fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Neue Helvetica, Arial',
fontSize: 23,
fontWeight: "bold",
fontStyle: "italic",
// transform={ART.Transform().translate(150, 150).rotate(30, 100, 100).scale(3, 2)}
{/* 第三组 Shape 画圆 arcTo */}
<ART.Group x={0} y={100} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(50, 50).arcTo(150, 50, 50).arcTo(50, 50, 50)} // 从一个点(50,50) 通过画圆(半径50)的方式到达另一个点 (150,50) 再通过画圆(半径50)的方式到达起点(50,50)完成画圆
{/* 第四组 Shape 顺时针弧线 画扇形 arcTo */}
<ART.Group x={0} y={200} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(50, 50).lineTo(50, 0).arcTo(100, 50, 50).lineTo(50, 50)} // (50, 50)->线段(50,0)->弧线(100, 50, 50)->线段(50, 50)
{/* 第五组 Shape 逆时针弧线 counterArcTo */}
<ART.Group x={100} y={200} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(50, 50).lineTo(50, 0).counterArcTo(100, 50, 50).lineTo(50, 50)} // (50, 50)->线段(50,0)->弧线(100, 50, 50)->线段(50, 50)
{/* 第六组 Shape 曲线 curve */}
<ART.Group x={0} y={300} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
// If now we are at (10, 10), it draw a cubic bezier curve from (10, 10) to (22, 42) and use (10, 20) as first control point and (30, 40) the second one
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(10, 10).curve(10, 20, 30, 40, 12, 32)}
{/* 第七组 Shape 曲线 curveTo */}
<ART.Group x={100} y={300} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
// if now we are at (10, 10), it draw a cubic bezier curve from (10, 10) to (12, 32) and use (10, 20) as first control point and (30, 40) the second one
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(10, 10).curveTo(10, 20, 30, 40, 12, 32)}
{/* 第八组 Shape reset */}
<ART.Group x={200} y={300} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
{/* 第九组 Shape reset */}
<ART.Group x={0} y={400} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(100, 0).lineTo(300, 0).lineTo(300, 100).lineTo(100, 100).close()}
new ART.LinearGradient({
"0": "#2ba",
".5": "#f90",
"0.7": "#aa4422",
"1": "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)"
}, 100, 50, 300, 50)
{/* 第十组 Shape reset */}
<ART.Group x={0} y={500} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
// d={new ART.Path().moveTo(100, 50).arcTo(200, 50, 50).arcTo(100, 50, 50)}
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(100, 0).lineTo(300, 0).lineTo(300, 100).lineTo(100, 100).close()}
new ART.RadialGradient({
"0": "#2ba",
"1": "#f90",
}, 300, 200, 400, 400, 200, 200)
{/* 第十一组 Shape Pattern 失败了 */}
{/* <ART.Group x={0} y={600} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
// d={new ART.Path().moveTo(100, 50).arcTo(200, 50, 50).arcTo(100, 50, 50)}
d={new ART.Path().moveTo(100, 0).lineTo(300, 0).lineTo(300, 100).lineTo(100, 100).close()}
transform={new ART.Transform().scaleTo(0.5, 0.5).move(50, 0).rotate(90, 100, 0).transform(2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)}
</ART.Group> */}
{/* 第十二组 Shape ClippingRectangle */}
<ART.Group x={0} y={1000} >
width={20} // 宽度
height={20} // 高度
x={0} // 横向起始点
y={0} // 纵向起始点
<ART.Shape d={new ART.Path().moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(200, 200)} stroke="black" strokeWidth={10} />
<ART.Shape d={new ART.Path().moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(200, 200)} stroke="black" strokeWidth={10} />
{/* 第十三组 Shape svg 值 */}
<ART.Group x={0} y={1200} >
stroke="#ff0000" // 描边的颜色
strokeWidth={2} // 描边的宽度
// d={new ART.Path().moveTo(100, 50).arcTo(200, 50, 50).arcTo(100, 50, 50)}
componentDidMount() {
// console.log(ART)
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
