1) 翻译:丑闻曝出后,股价急剧下跌。
The scandal sent share prices into a tailspin.
2) The bad economy sent the startup into a tailspin.
1) 翻译:丑闻曝出后,股价急剧下跌。 The scandal sent share prices into a ...
tailspin n. 释义:an occasion when something or someone sudd...
1. 认识这个词(基础篇) 词:tailspin 英英释义:an occasion when something ...
tailspin an occasion when something or someone suddenly g...
tailspin:an occasion when something or someone suddenly g...
tailspin 【英英释义】 n.1. if something such as an industry or ...
tailspin: n. an occasion when something or someone sudden...
2018.03.17-03.18 1. 景 Cathedral Basilica of Notre-Dame Lo...
本文标题:03.18 tailspin