
作者: 欣然小时光 | 来源:发表于2021-12-26 15:24 被阅读0次

What color is this? 这是什么颜色
It's blue. 这是蓝色。
Let's say the name of colors in English. 我们来用英文说颜色吧。
What color is the fire truck? 消防车是什么颜色?
What color is this shirt? 这件衬衫是什么颜色?
The color of the shirt is blue. 衬衫的颜色是蓝色。
What is your favorite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么
My favorite color is red. 我最喜欢红色。
Mom, what color is this? 妈妈,这是什么颜色?
That is dark / light brown. 这是深/浅褐色。
What color will we get when we mix yellow and blue? 如果我们把黄色和蓝色搅拌一起的话,会出现什么颜色?
Right! It turns green when we mix yellow and blue.对!当我们混合黄色和蓝色就会变成绿色。
What color feels warm / cold? 什么颜色是暖色/冷色?
White,black,and gray are not colorful. / White, black, and gray have no hue.白色、黑色和灰色都不鲜艳。
Mom, I like the colors of the rainbow. 妈,我喜欢彩虹的颜色。
Red, yellow, and blue are the three primary color. 红色,黄色和蓝色是三原色。
Can you find something purple in our house? 你能在家中找出紫色的东西吗?
What color do you want this to be? / What color do you want for this?你想要把这个涂成什么颜色?
I want to color this pink. 我想把这个涂成粉红色。


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