

作者: 大漠啸西风 | 来源:发表于2018-08-12 00:25 被阅读0次



我每个星期三都去健身房看游泳池,知道他们住在我们社区的旁边,你知道那些喜欢运动的人总是保持笑脸,喜欢和别人热情地交谈,他们很简单,善良。越来越多的人喜欢在早上做运动。这个游泳池是一个长25米,宽20米的小游泳池,所以一个游泳道至少有三个人在游泳,我更喜欢在中间泳道游泳,只是在一条车道上的老人,偶尔,我们互相攻击在水下,我立刻对他说道歉,他的反应对我来说是一样的,我说这是非常正常的,与此同时,当我和一个男人说话时,老虎进了游泳池,他对我说冷,你需要雨伞,外面下雨,我知道他没有 我喜欢和那个陌生的男人说话,他的好朋友刚刚离婚,因为他的妻子与其他有相同兴趣的人一起去,这是非常悲伤的经历和对他们的好教训,不要给你的妻子任何机会去未经允许就出去 他只想告诉所有人,这是我的女人。个人主页http://zhainanye.com/


I have transferred to this fitness centre for two weeks, where is close my home. No need me to driving come and back at the rush hour in the morning, Everything is the same as before, once in a week swimming at Wednesday, other days is running on the machine, due to the opening hour is late a half hour than before, so I would like running out door first till 7am the door opened, I continuity do the running on the machine.

I knew an old couple who comes to the club every morning like me, they only like swimming, why they come here so early, because of their son have to the work before 8am, and then they have to take care their grandson at home, the morning is the golden time for them at all. I must say who loves sports, no any reasons for absent.

I get to the gym to see them every Wednesday at the swimming pool, and to know they live next to our community, you know the people like sports who are always keeping smiling face and like to talk with others warmly, they are simple and kindly. More and more the people prefer doing exercises in the morning. This pool is the small one with 25 meters long and 20 meter wide only, so one swimming lane at least three people in, I prefer swimming in the middle lane, just with the old man in one lane, by occasionally, we against each other underwater, I immediately said sorry for him and his reaction was the same to me, this was very normal to across each other I said, at the meantime, Tiger came in to the pool when I was talking with a man, he said to me coldly, do you need the umbrella, the outside was raining, I know he doesn't like me talking with the strange guy, and his good friend was just divorced due to his wife goes with other guy with the same interests, this was so sad experience and good lesson to them, don’t give your wife any chances to go out without permission. He just wanted to tell everybody there, this is my woman

I knew he was jealous of my action, I showed my face angrily after back home, you were so sensitive, you may believe me completely, I just friendly talking with others, nothing special, I said. He loves me and he was afraid to lose me I know, but sometime if so sensitive it may make me hardly to breath, right?


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