#16 每日一词 see 1008 一

#16 每日一词 see 1008 一

作者: LittleQing | 来源:发表于2018-10-08 11:56 被阅读0次


造句:Hefei has kept a low profile for many years. However, Hefei has seen unprecedented growth in its research output and scientific impact in recent years.

“Beijing, the political centre of China for nearly a millennia, has seen unprecedented growth in its research output, scientific impact and technological innovation in the last 15 years. And the momentum shows no signs of abating.”


1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


英英释义:if a place or a period of time sees an event, the event happens in that place or during that time
例句:The last decade saw many technological advances, and the next few years will see more.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

“see”是看见的意思,不过也经常可以用来表示“目睹” “见证“,这时它的主语除了是人和物以外,还经常可以是时间或是地点,表示该时或该地发生什么事。这是英语中一种拟人化的修辞手法,也是我们不够熟悉、想不到会这样用的常见用法。

我们经常可以用 see 代替 witness。比如国庆假期间,许多人都出门旅游,这时我们就可以说:

The National Day holiday, or the Golden Week, saw a significant surge in tourism.


Sing! China has seen some very talented singers.

我们在描述图表时就可以用 see 表示数据的变化。最新一期的《经济学人》中在报道通用电气公司时也用到了saw:

That made for a welcome change from Jeffrey Immelt, his predecessor, whose 16-year tenure saw a dramatic decline in GE’s performance and profitability.

3. 从认识到会用(作业)

1)翻译下面的句子:苹果公司在今年 9 月发布了新产品。

(参考翻译:This September saw the launch of Apple’s new products.)



#16 每日一词 see 1008 一


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      本文标题:#16 每日一词 see 1008 一
