涂鸦四: 若如初见,依旧初见

涂鸦四: 若如初见,依旧初见

作者: KoosQ | 来源:发表于2018-05-16 08:54 被阅读0次

If time could stop at the first time we met.

When you got a minute to sit down to look into your inner side, you'll gradually get the frame of what you really are, what you really want, if you do have a you to look at, or, a purpose to pursue.

What if there isn't? What if you couldn't find it? You got confused. You got lost. Then you look back and back, till the first thing you could remeber that you enjoyed it so so much and you suddenly find that, that, that may be not what we really want, but what we really desire.

Time, a wonderful and mystery thing. It could help heal the wound, however deep and hurt it is; it could help dust the good memories, however beautiful and unforgettable they are.

Time won't freeze for you. You could.

Regard your heart as an earth.

Try to place all the joyful memories in the core. Keep them warm in case you got lost next time, you'll find a way by looking through them.

Try to float all the unfortune on the surface. Keep the air curculating in order to wind the uncool away. Keep the rain falling in order to melt the unhappiness down.

And don't forget the crucial task. Put the normal in between. When it goes lucky and smooth, open a small window in the core to absord it in, while as it becomes not the way we want, try to blow it all up to outside.

So, next time. Why feel lost, why feel confused. Look deep into your heart. All the good memories are waiting there for you to read.


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