- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train
- 美式发音训练视频教程(American.Accent.Train

第14课 训练 短文朗读
~ Here we go~\ ( ̄▽ ̄) /
~Session 14~
This session covers:
Putting it all together – Part I
The 10 Key steps towards Improvement
Photo album
Keeping a family photograph album is a good way to save family memories for yourself and future generations of your family. Very old pictures can be taken to a photo shop and reprinted so that they can be placed in an album. Be sure to write on the back of the picture any information you remember about the people in it. Also, write the date if you remember it. Looking at photo albums is a relaxing way to spend the day and it is a fun activity to share with family and friends. Your children, grandchildren and their children will appreciate your efforts too.
The Public Library
Your library card can be your ticket to entertainment, current events and new ideas. Almost every city has a public library and there is no charge for a library card. Libraries have books about many subjects, but there are also other things at the library. These include books on cassette tape, videotapes, large print books, CD’s, DVD’s and magazines. Many have free programs in the afternoon or evening about travel, hobbies or other topics of interest. Some cities also have a bookmobile or traveling library, which brings the library right into your neighborhood.
John D. Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller did three amazing things. First, he acquired probably the greatest fortune in all history. He started out in life digging potatoes under the hot sun for four cents an hour. In those days, there were not half a dozen men in all the United States who were worth even one million dollars. Eventually, John D. managed to collect a fortune said to be anywhere from one to two billion dollars. And yet, the first girl he fell in love with refused to marry him.The reason given was because her mother refused to allow her daughter to “throw herself away” on a man who had such poor prospects.
How many stars can you see on a dark, clear night? You can see about 3,000 stars with your eyes alone. But keep in mind that you are viewing only part of the sky. If the whole sky were visible, you could count about 5,000 stars. If you look through a small telescope you might see as many as 600,000 stars. Through the most powerful telescopes, astronomers can spot millions of stars. No one is sure exactly how many stars there are altogether, but astronomers believe there are at least 200 billion, billion stars out in space.
The 10 Keys towards Improvement
Number 1. Practice and listen.
Number 2. Do not leave off the endings of words.
Number 3. Make a list of frequently used words.
Number 4. Open your mouth more when you speak English.
Number 5. Don’t be afraid to speak.
Number 6. Read aloud in English for ten to 15 minutes every day.
Number 7. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation errors.
Number 8. Watch the mouth movements of native speakers and imitate them.
Number 9. Buy books on tape. Read along with the tape - out loud.
Number 10. Be patient.