16. News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think to influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news, and would it be better if the more good news was reported?
It true that editors have to make decisions about which news stories they broadcast or publish, and their choices are no doubt influenced by a variety of factors. In my opinion, we are exposed to too much bad news, and I would welcome a greater emphasis on good news.
Editors face a range of considerations when deciding what news stories to focus on. Firstly, I imagine that they have to consider whether viewer or readers will be interested enough to choose their television channel or their newspaper over competing providers. Secondly, news editors have a responsibility to inform the public about important events and issues, and they should therefore prioritise stories that are in the public interest. Finally, editors are probably under some pressure from the owners who employ them. For example, a newspaper owner might have particular political views that he or she wants to promote.
It seems to me that people do become accustomed to negative news. We are exposed on a daily basis to stories about war, crime, natural disasters and tragic human suffering around the world. I believe that such repeated exposure gradually desensitises people, and we become more cynical about the world and more sceptical that we can do anything to change it. I would prefer to see more positive news stories, such as reports of the work of medical staff after a natural disaster, or the kindness of volunteers who help in their communities. This kind of news might inspire us all to lead better lives.
In conclusion, it must be extremely difficult for editors to choose which news stories to present, but I would like to see a more positive approach to this vital public service.
观点:1、谁影响编缉?1)viewers and readers, 2) 传递信息, 3)政治考虑。
生词:accustom, desensitise, cynical, sceptical=doubtful.