外刊阅读:Sending data through music

外刊阅读:Sending data through music

作者: 爱英语爱阅读 | 来源:发表于2020-02-24 14:40 被阅读0次


    Sending data through music

    by Shira Feder

    A song plays in a crowded supermarket. To some people, this is just background Muzak, stuff their brains are barely processing as they focus on what they want to buy for dinner. But others can whip out their smartphones and discover that embedded in the music is information, maybe a Wi-Fi password or an alert that there's a sale on apples in aisle three.

    background /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ n. 背景、背景音乐
    Muzak /ˈmjuːzæk/ 是一个背景音乐品牌,这里指该品牌的背景音乐
    barely /ˈbeəli/ adv. 几乎不
    process /ˈprəʊses/ v. 处理
    focus /ˈfəʊkəs/ on 专注于
    whip /wɪp/ v. 快速掏出、快速拿出
    smartphone /ˈsmɑːtfəʊn/ n. 智能手机(由smart和phone组成)
    embed /ɪmˈbed/ v. 镶嵌、嵌入
    alert /əˈlɜːt/ n. (电子设备的)提醒、通知
    aisle /aɪl/ n. (超市货架间的)走道

    That scenario is the vision of Simon Tanner and Manuel Eichelberger, two Ph.D. students from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich who spent six months creating a new method of sending data from one place to another – hiding it in music in a way that is imperceptible(察觉不到的) to the human ear.

    scenario /sɪˈnɑːriəʊ/ n. 场景
    vision /ˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ n. 想象、构想
    Ph.D. 博士、博士学位(Ph.D. student就是博士研究生)
    Zurich /ˈzjʊərɪk/ n. 苏黎士(瑞士城市)
    data /ˈdeɪtə/ n. 数据

    "The whole idea is basically that we can transmit data locally without any setup," said Tanner. "We don't have to type any passwords or pair devices or anything like that. We just have speakers that can broadcast data along with a song and anyone in range could access it."

    basically /ˈbeɪsɪk(ə)li/ adv. 基本上、大体上(由basic加后缀-ally变成副词)
    transmit /trænzˈmɪt/ v. 传送
    locally /ˈləʊk(ə)li/ adv. 本地地、局部地(由local加后缀-ly变成副词)
    setup /ˈsetʌp/ n. 设置、设定
    pair /peə(r)/ v. 配对
    device /dɪˈvaɪs/ n. 设备
    speaker /ˈspiːkə(r)/ n. 扬声器、喇叭(由speak加上表示人或物的后缀-er)
    broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/ v. 广播、播送
    along with 和…一起
    range /reɪndʒ/ n. 范围
    access /ˈækses/ v. 存取(数据)、使用

    "Transferring data through music has been around for 20 years," says Georg Essl, a research professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee who was not involved in the study. "But transferring data with over-ear transmission – this is newer."

    transfer /trænsˈfɜː(r)/ v. 传输
    over-ear 指收听音乐的头戴式耳机
    transmission /trænzˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 传送、传播

    What he means is that when you download a song online, it likely has data already embedded in it. The song would come with embedded data identifying the artist and the release date. But unlike Tanner's project, that data isn't transmitted over airwaves and it's intended to stay hidden in audio files.

    identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ v. 识别身份
    release /rɪˈliːs/ n. 发布
    unlike /ʌnˈlaɪk/ prep. 不像(由like加上表示否定的前缀un-)
    project /ˈprɒdʒekt/ n. 项目、研究项目
    airwaves /ˈeəweɪvz/ n. (播送广播电视节目的)电波
    audio /ˈɔːdiəʊ/ adj. 声音的、音频的

    Here's how the project works: Tanner fires up Spotify on his computer and picks a song. The song is blasted through a regular pair of speakers and an output computer program takes the music and inserts the data as the song plays. The data is transferred at about 200 bits per second, which is about 25 letters or characters, roughly the length of a Wi-Fi password, a website URL or a short message.

    fire up 启动(程序)
    Spotify 是一个网络音乐播放器
    blast /blɑːst/ v. 轰鸣、发出很响的声音
    output /ˈaʊtpʊt/ n. 输出
    insert /ɪnˈsɜːt/ v. 插入
    bit /bɪt/ n. 比特(一位二进制数据)
    character /ˈkærəktə(r)/ n. 字符
    roughly /ˈrʌfli/ adv. 大约、差不多
    URL 网络地址

    "Some of the best uses for this would be in places where there is always music playing," said Tanner, mentioning department stores, hotel lobbies or transportation hubs. Background music at a hotel could contain passwords for the local Wi-Fi network, which would be received by the built-in microphone of a smartphone and decoded(解码) with the use of a downloadable app, giving guests access without having to enter a password.

    department store 百货公司
    lobby /ˈlɒbi/ n. 门厅
    transportation /ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 运输
    hub /hʌb/ n. 枢纽
    network /ˈnetwɜːk/ n. 网络
    built-in 内置的
    microphone /ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn/ n. 麦克风、话筒
    downloadable /ˌdaʊnˈləʊdəb(ə)l/ adj. 可下载的(由download加后缀-able变成形容词)
    app /æp/ n. (手机上的)应用程序
    access /ˈækses/ n. 使用机会

    Essl agrees with Tanner that this tech could have a wide application. "It would be very cheap because every smartphone, even an old one, has a microphone and a speaker," Essl says. "So the infrastructure, in some sense, is there. The hardware is already in our hands. It's just a question of creating a way to access it."

    application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 应用、运用
    infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌktʃə(r)/ n. 基础设施
    in some sense 在某种意义上





        本文标题:外刊阅读:Sending data through music
