

作者: 水墨含声 | 来源:发表于2016-08-08 18:43 被阅读21次


We'd been kneeling in the dark for far too long to longing for warm spark. We'd almost been convinced that loneliness was the one true loyal and easy friend. We'd resolved to live our life this way all along, until love magically took it over. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, he walks into mine. With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love. Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing.

But also like he said, right at the very time, right with the only one. God, how could I be so favored to meet you, to know you, to love you, and to be loved back!

If the next world do ever exist, it is disguised as "now". And the moment we unbolted all the shackles of misgivings and disappointment, we'd already gained rebirth, another life.

Hard to admit, life is long, hardships following, but love is enough, to help us believe, to make us strong, to lead us to the dreamed-of future.

I'm reading my Jane Eyre, and you, Nineteen Eighty-Four. The clock strikes six as we're gonna cook. A walk after dinner, across the roads bustling at day while tranquil at night, a movie or old melodies too, and then sound sleep.

Sixty years going by, when I tell my son that wrinkled man has always been the hero in my life, my son tells me, that his father says to him, that gray-haired  woman is always the Queen of Any.

Hi, love. You saved me from spiritual and physical death, awakening me from the curse of slumber, warming me with your tender care, so let my heart beat for you from this day to the last day. Better to die for love, than for death.

We've promised each other a happy end, and we'll spend a lifetime to believe it.

Honey, did you know that, you'd become my everything; you're the only cause I'm interested in.



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