21923 Polish the reinit of Items API
there is no change to behavior. just a small polish to keep it consistent with Questions API.
For testing instruction refer to LRN-21356
21876 Merge mathcore v1.63.1
Additional helpful information can be found in the "Sub-tasks" section on the template ticket:
Merged Mathcore Tickets
Following is a list of the JIRA mathcore tickets ready to be integrated to prod:
isSimplified favors terms vs factors
equivLiteral should consider "1" and "+1" the same
equivSymbolic not working with expressions that include fractions and variable exponents
Testing Log
*QA: Jack
21873 [PATCH 2018.1.LTS] LRN-21846
Public Release Notes:
Fixed a bug in <code>fillshape</code> that threw an exception in the console and prevented the suggested answers list from being visible.
Staging: Michał
Tested on FF
* Checked if there are any errors in the console when showing suggested answers.
* There is scoring problem but it’s resolved in LRN-21885 READY FOR PROD
QA: Nicolas Ronsmans
- Tested on IE11 both client and server side
21851 Simple Chart - Allow Fractions in X and Y Axis Labels.
- Grace & Jack - Tested on IE11, Chrome, FF
- Tested on X Axis and Y Axis label with different fraction and decimal numbers, check fontsize, validation UI and scoring.
- Michał - tested on Safari, iOS12, Android
- checked proper and improper fractions on Y axis on all types of simplechart
- checked fractions with labels on X and Y axis
- checked user side scoring and validation UI
- checked different font sizes
- checked decimal values
- It would be good to pairtest this on QA
- Michał - tested on Safari, iOS12, Android
QA- Yu Zhang
- Navigated to
- checked fractions on X and Y axis; fractions are treated as string labels for X axis, unlike Y axis.
- Checked different font sizes, on an iPad mini, if changed the font to huge, a chart will out-grow its original boundary box. As it can be seen from attached screenshot, boundary box outgrown.jpeg.
- Enclosing snap_to_grid value to double quotes will make most of Y-axis gridlines disappear, as show in attachment.
21827 Selecting multiple files in Fileupload hangs and blocks the assessment save
21801 Add 'Prevent Scale' to image upload in imageclozeformula and imageclozechemistry
Added support for <code>prevent_scale</code>
<a href=""/assessment/questions/questiontypes#imageclozeformula>Imageclozeformula</a>
<a href=""/assessment/questions/questiontypes#imageclozechemistry>Imageclozechemistry</a>
Question type, to prevent
or allow image scaling with screen size changes.
h3. Request
From client: Image size not consistent depending on screen size when using a ruler feature with question types imageclozeformula and imageclozechemistry
We would like to add the 'Prevent Scale' option from ICAv2 possible responses image upload option.
The aim is to allow authors to lock the image scale completely when they are wanting students to use a ruler to measure.
"As an author, I want to be sure the size of the image stays the same no matter what screen size I use (or have the ruler scale with the image) so that when I use the ruler feature, the measurement would be accurate to the actual solution."
h3. Priority context
High, this is a valid use case and has been requested before. Without this there is no functional value of our ruler feature.
h3. Expected behaviour (if applicable)
Images will not scale in smaller viewports so student can use the ruler to accurately measure content of an image and input their results.
h3. Actual behaviour (if applicable)
Images scale dependant on the viewport size preventing students from recording an accurate measure relative to what was authored.
h3. Acceptance criteria
- Author can select to "Prevent Scale' of an image loaded into ImageClozeFormula and ImageClozeChemistry
- Author can take a measure of content with the Rule feature and set as the validation value
- Student can use the supplied Rule feature to take a measure of the same content and will be able to achieve the same result as the valid response.
h3. Definition of done
Images can be prevented from scaling in ImageClozeFormula and ImageClozeChemistry allowing Author and Student to receive the same measured value in different viewports.
h3. Development guide
For ICAv2 we should fix the width of the image container potentially in (change from max-width to width when the new option is enabled)
This would mean that the rest of the page will now scroll left and right on smaller viewports.
Wouldn't recommend scaling the ruler element since the image and ruler elements proportions could be very different and could cause more issues than it solves.
Will need to update the following to support the new option:
- Questions
- QE
- Schemas
h3. Testing Instructions
- Go to
- Use JSON
"image": {
"src": "// values_201551111715.png",
"prevent_scale": true
"is_math": true,
"response_container": {
"template": ""
"response_containers": [],
"response_positions": [{
"x": 65.83,
"y": 26.12
"stimulus": "<p>[This is the stem.]</p>",
"symbols": ["chemistry", "qwerty"],
"type": "imageclozechemistry",
"ui_style": {
"type": "block-on-focus-keyboard"
"validation": {
"scoring_type": "exactMatch",
"valid_response": {
"score": 1,
"value": [
"method": "equivLiteral",
"value": "",
"options": {
"inverseResult": false,
"ignoreOrder": false
}, {
"image": {
"src": "//",
"prevent_scale": true
"is_math": true,
"response_container": {
"template": ""
"response_containers": [{
"template": "{{response}}",
"width": "60px"
"response_positions": [{
"x": 38.41,
"y": 26.25
"stimulus": "<p>[This is the stem.]</p>",
"type": "imageclozeformula",
"ui_style": {
"type": "floating-keyboard"
"validation": {
"scoring_type": "exactMatch",
"valid_response": {
"score": 1,
"value": [
"method": "equivSymbolic",
"value": "",
"options": {
"inverseResult": false,
"decimalPlaces": 10
Make sure the image won't scale with the screen size change if prevent_scale: true
Make sure when prevent-scale is false/undefined, image will scale accordingly.
Make sure it only affect imageclozeformula and imageclozechemistry QT, doesn't affect the other question types.
Play with prevent_scale flag, make sure there is no regression.
h3. Testing log
Vagrant: Jack
- Browsers: IE11, Safari 12
- Tested using the provided instruction in initial, resume, review mode
Staging: [name]
- what you did (at a high level)
** use sub-bullets if useful - how did you do it (url/instructions)
** url?
** instructions? - which browsers/devices were tested
- what did you not try, that might be worth trying
QA: Kent
- Tested on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE11 on
- Navigated to both imageclozeformula and imageclozechemistry, resized the window with the new option on and off
21754 Clozeformula questions don't respond to resetValidationUI()
Steps to Replicate
NOTE. We should definitely fix all Formula and Chemistry questions if they have the same issue. We should also do an audit of all question types to see if there are other effected cases. We can then understand what else needs priority attention.
Request the correct responses using {{question.validate(
- Attempt to hide the validation using <tt>question.resetValidationUI()</tt>
Expected Behaviour
The correct responses and validation UI are hidden.
Actual Behaviour
No change takes place
Developer Suggestion
Nico: The issue comes from the fact the to call clearValidation() on a QT, we check if <tt>this.showingValidiationUI</tt> is true. And it is never set true when the question is unanswered.
We need to be stricter about how and when we show the validation UI or be loose about how and when we can clear it, even though the question hasn't been answered.