(以上图片来自Ray Trace Wiki)
DirectX MSDN Document
虽然是英文版,然而非常好读,比龙书神妙。龙书这种鬼东西以后就不要推荐了,本本都是坑,误人子弟。不同意者请保留意见,鄙人比较笨,就是没明白龙书的套路。(捎带提一句,编译原理的龙书也是个渣。不服的去读读《编程语言实现模式》和《The Little Schemer》。凭心而论,就算要读理论性的编译原理,虎书也比龙书高明。)
(1) 创建windows窗口和消息循环
Now You have a window to draw in.
(2) 获取D3D设备及其上下文接口(Get an interface for the Direct3D device and context)
ID3D11Device : 虚拟机及其资源的抽象(provides a virtual representation of the GPU and its resources)。用于配置和获取场景中需要处理的图形的GPU资源(configure and obtain the GPU resources you need to start processing the graphics in a scene)。
ID3D11DeviceContext : 设备上下文,代表渲染管线图形处理(represents the graphics processing for the pipeline)。用于处理图形渲染管线中各个相应的shader(着色)步骤的资源。(to process those resources at each appropriate shader stage in the graphics pipeline.)
现在你得到了向GPU发送数据和命令的接口。(Now you have an interface to send data and give commands to the GPU.)
(3)创建交换链(Create the swap chain):
Now you've got a window from the operating system, a way to access the GPU and its resources, and a swap chain to display the rendering results. All that's left is to wire the whole thing together!
(4) 创建render target(Create a render target for drawing)
Render target : 我的理解就是画布(Canvas,Surface)。
render-target view 就是画布的代理,想画东西想得到画布还得找代理去获取特定资源。view使得pixel shader(像素着色器)向texture(材质)写入数据当它(pixel shader)完成每像素的操作之后。
view is a way to access a specific resource. In this case, the view enables the pixel shader to write into the texture as it completes its per-pixel operations.
depth-stencil buffer 是一种ID3D11Texture2D资源的特定格式。典型用于场景中的camera在远距离物体光栅化的时候决定那些像素拥有绘制优先权(说了半天就是光栅化3D图形时候决定哪些像素绘制,其实当年看过一张很形象的图。不懂光栅化的孩子请去问度娘)。后边翻译省略,初中英文水平都读得懂。我就不要断人慧根了。
{Also create a depth-stencil buffer. A depth-stencil buffer is just a particular form of ID3D11Texture2D resource, which is typically used to determine which pixels have draw priority during rasterization based on the distance of the objects in the scene from the camera. A depth-stencil buffer can also be used for stencil effects, where specific pixels are discarded or ignored during rasterization. This buffer must be the same size as the render target. Note that you cannot read from or render to the frame buffer depth-stencil texture because it is used exclusively(专门的) by the shader pipeline before and during final rasterization.}
{You'll recall that there are two Direct3D interfaces that define the graphics pipeline: ID3D11Device, which provides a virtual representation of the GPU and its resources; and ID3D11DeviceContext, which represents the graphics processing for the pipeline. Typically, you use an instance of ID3D11Device to configure and obtain the GPU resources you need to start processing the graphics in a scene, and you use ID3D11DeviceContext to process those resources at each appropriate shader stage in the graphics pipeline. You usually call ID3D11Device methods infrequently—that is, only when you set up a scene or when the device changes. On the other hand, you'll call ID3D11DeviceContext every time you process a frame for display.}