Conspiracy Nov 12nd

Conspiracy Nov 12nd

作者: 玩英语 | 来源:发表于2016-11-12 22:58 被阅读8次
    complete the Magoosh GRE wordlist project

    Diration:40 days

    Amount of downloading videos:2000

    Count of words: 1000

    Feeling: exciting, interesting and compelling

    Inspiration from the process

    When I recommended the video special learning approach to my friends , some didn't how to take it , some didn't believe it , some feels doubted.

    At first I just have a strong determination, until now , I would say this is the most interesting and motivational method to memorize the big vocabulary. Why we have to memorize and build the vocabulary , the practical reason is that we want express ourselves like an educated native speaker, not a kid or street speaker . That will help us to communicate with the educated native speakers .

    I made it , even I didn't have chance to go abroad

    I made it, even there is any native speaker talking with me daily

    I made it , even I am not a certificated english tutor

    I made it, even I conquer it all by myself

    I made it because I devote myself to it

    I made it because I believe in myself without any dout .

    I made it because I know how to make it instinctively

    I made it because I know who  I am

    Review Basic D words

    Watch videos and review them on phone at any place and any time .



          本文标题:Conspiracy Nov 12nd
