

作者: 机械维修工 | 来源:发表于2017-11-19 20:21 被阅读202次


    Why Decathlon Physical Stores are expanded rapidly and not beated down by on-line Business? Apparel Brands have to learn from which.

    Toys R Us

    先看一则报道,才能形成对比。据界面报道,《全球最大玩具零售商反斗城面临破产》,详细内容如下:成立将近70年的全球最大玩具零售商玩具反斗城(Toys R Us)正面临所有老牌零售商都遇到的危机:人们越来越多的开始在线上购物,数码产品和电子游戏也在抢走小朋友们花在传统玩具上的时间


    Let us see a report first: THE LAGEST GOY RETAILER WOULD GO BANKRUPTCY。The near 70 years history toy retailer TOYS R US is facing with the risk which most of historic brands are in the same position. People is now going on-line shopping more and more. E-game and IT products are occupying the time before kids used spending on traditional toys.

    The news indicated that two of biggest TOYS R US stores are closed in Beijing and Shanghai in the past 2017. As someone of CNBC said: Toys R Us already hired lawyer to help it to restructure its 0.4 billion USD debt, maybe will ask for the possibility of bankruptcy protection.



    Toy R Us did loss 0.13 billion USD in 2015, and 36 million in 2016. In the begin of 2017, it dismissed 10-15% employees. But Toy R Us still lossed 0.164 Billion USD in the first season. Its sales volume come down 4.1% in it stores.

    It is early in 2014, The US National Journal of real estate investment selected 10 largest Chian-businee which will possibly closed. Toy R Us is obviously among them. At that time, Toy R Us had a debt of 5 billion USD. Last year, the invest Bank Lazard was invited by Toy R Us to restructure its part of debt, but because the bad situation of marketing down and retail environment shrank, it it very difficult for financing.



    Personal experiencing is becoming popular in retail industry. Kids Playing Center is increaing from 2-3% to over 15% in new mall buildings from 4-5 years before to now. Kids can play in the experiencing playground first then got something they want back.

    Comparing with Toy Retail Store, most of them at a same level and easy to run a store. The price at on-line E-stroe is cheaper, so running single toy tetail stores is becoming harder and harder, as well as in the traditional fashion clothes shops including kids clothes shops.



    Also, traditional toy stores like Toy R Us slowed a long distances after other sotres in Mall Center on the store decortion and image. Customers complained them bad service, narrow shop area, expensive goods, Toy R Us got the most.

    That is why Toy R Us physical stores can not running continually.


    Let us see a positive example - Why On-line E-store can not beat Decathlon down? There must be something we can learn from.


    Currently, physical stores business going down, on-line E-stores are growing rapidly. Decathlon physical stores are getting a fast income in the last few years. Decathlon got 10 billion  EURO  business volume in last year, had a 12% increase which China market did a great contribution.


    Last year, Decathlon opened 164 phisical stores and has now opened 1176 stores totally running in the world. Its marketing date showed that France is still Decathlon's largest market. There are over 300 stores in Fance. China is Decathlon's second market. There are now 230 stores in China, had a double times in three years in China.


    Mr. Zhang Yue, The President of Greater China Area of Decathlon said:  In currently, the On-line sale volume is only 10% of total sale volume in Decathlon in China. Exactly our business attention point is still on the phisical store. Physical Stores are our basic, on-line saling is just a drive power. The real market of new retail business is still in physical stores.

    迪卡侬是如何运作实体店的呢?How Decathlon runs its physical stores?

    1.  用低价打造爆款

    Low prices creat best sellers.


    Frence is a luxery brands agglomeration country where Decathlon come from but bring a low price stream. 


    Decathlon was found in a small town in France in 1974, from the very beginning, Decathlon carried out its makret positioning, supplying for all players the lowest products, from leaners to professional players.

    Customer experiencing in Decathlon Shop


    Decathlon faces the mass market but the brands market. So there is a different experience from other shops that you are feeling in cheaper goods even unbelievable cheap when consumers shopping in Dechthlon supper markets. 29CNY/backpack, 30CNY/T-shirt, 100CNY/run shoes!


    And the blue products are at a price lower 20% than most similar in market. Although there is lower gross profit among Decathlon products, but it has a huge sales volume.  Decathlon always puts its best cost performance products in position where are easily eye appeal in the shop.


    Consumers feeling Decathlon products high quality and inexpensive.


    Decathlon launched a 49CNY jacket in 2010, its fabric density reaches 200g, most similar jackets in market are lower than 200g. More fabric density means warmer. In the next years, this jacket has been a hot selling, most similar jackets within price of 1000CNY, can not compete it.

    Waterproof testing box in Decathlon shop


    Decathlon launched a 29CNY red backpack in 2014, it also became a popular in China, whatever students or Chinese square dancing Aunts, want buy one. This bag becomes a street bag in most cities in China.

    2.   把性价比做到极致

    Perfection in Cost performance


    Lower price is Decathlon's strategy, but only being lower price can not beat fake products and Taobao on-line store. In Decathlon, low price not mean poor quality. Decathlon not focus on short benefit. Decathlon dedicating how can provide consumer best quality products at a economic price, the competitive products.


    How Decathlon got the best cost performance, there are few point in its local stones.


    No. 1 without package


    Some businesses think the best packing means the best products. Fine package will bring the best selling. Such as roses in Valentine's day, or moon cake in mid-autumn festival.

    with no package


    Decathlon dose not follow up this way. To save the cost, many Decathlon products have no packing. Such as shoes, no carton box from the production process. Although lots of consumer complained that. Decathlon does not change.


    No. 2 No Intermediary Business


    Decathlon take design, R&D, producing, logistics, brands developing, retail, all the process it own itself. This is the key to ensure the products at a low cost/price and huge sales.


    Decathlon was also a agent retailer in its very beginning. Problems increased rapidly through Decathlon retail increasing. To avoid the limitation in the upstream industry, Decathlon decided going to work in brand development and products R&D.


    In 1986, Decathlon was trying production of sporting goods. From agent retailer becoming a manufacturer with the brand owner gradually. To meet this conversion, Decathlon started set up supplier chain in the global. Built purchasing branches in Thailand, China, Italy, Span and etc. Decathlon has expanded its manufacturer supplier over 18 countries in the world so far.


    No. 3  Totally Dedicated brands Decathlon owns.



    Decathlon has a fully sporting production range. In current situation, maybe it is No one.

    With purpose of optimizing supply chain and and cost controlling, Decathlon provide consumers almost everything relevant with sporting and outdoor, It is rich in various and broad. Except general sporting products such as swimming, ball games, fitness and outdoor, it also provide such as horsemanship, surfing, diving, and golf which belong un-popular sporting production.

    Innovation Products Area


    Production Innovation

    90% products of Decathlon selling under its own brands which almost over 20. There is a special R&D team does back up each brand to ensure the brand's products to be more practical, comfortable and convenient usable function. The teams do the R&D works usually being the most natural location where can meet the kind of game playing totally, keep in directly touch with consumers.


    In 2005, Decathlon developed a fast opening tent  which can open in 2 seconds. It once became a hot-sale product since it was launched. Actually this tent has been a long period of testing for over 18 months before it is launched. The R&D work of this tent was being a natural environment. To close and realize the natural environment throughly, Decathlon set its R&D center beside the Everest. All the members of R&D are mountain climbers. They love this game and know how to work with. 


    No 4. Not pay stardom for advertising, no sponsorship for sports. 


    It is difference from Nike, Adidas, UA such brilliant brands, Decathlon never pay stardom for advertising and no sponsorship for sports. 


    It to be said that Decathlon strictly limited its advertising cost under 1% of total business volume. There is no advertising in Decathlon, but relied on consumer's talking each other about the products and experience. 

     Decathlon's first Fitness Center in Asia 


    The recent famous TV show WHERE IS THE DAD GOING, there are so many Decathlon productions to be showing in this program. But, actually, Decathlon has never touched with this program, all the gears the stars wore were decided and purchased from Decathlon by themselves.


    The big reason for this situation would be the perfect Cost-performance which being in Decathlon products. To decrease the un-production expense is a better way to reduce the cost. Consumer's good words is the best advertising.


    Make clear the core-competitiveness itself, and keep on going, this is Decathlon key business word. When most businesses are trying to rise their price, going up to middle and top levels, struggling out of low value production to make more money, Decathlon focus on the general people consumers, caught the consumers who believe the practical with the high Cost-performance products. 

    3.  深度体验式营销

    Deep Customer Experiencing Marketing


    Except the Cost-performance, another characteristic in Decathlon is Customer Depth Experiencing Marketing. 

    Consumer is using the VR Testing


    This marketing would be similar with IKEA, if say IKEA is everyone's bedroom and kitchen, then say Decathlon is everyone's playground. 


    There are 60 sorts of products which over 3500 kinds of products in each of the average 4000 squre meter Decathlon store. The products are settled on to 11 areas according consumers' habit and the sport kinds. The products cover most kides of sports which frome the beginner to professional player. 


    The commodity display of Decathlon is actually for consumers's experiece. There are basketbal court, 5 people football field, badminton cour and ect. Decathlon encourage all the visitors to play expericnce with its products. The clerks are not peddling, but trainning and playing with sonsumers. For example, there are big field in roller skating areas where surrounded safety railing, people can wear all gears on an play in the field.


    Decathlon China Lab Office Area


    Usually, there will be so much products loss through the consumers playing in the store, but Decathlon does not care and think that it should be a part of its business. This deep experience model which atttacts people to feel, touchs Decathlon's products and arouses consume's most interesting in related sport, then wants shopping. 


    With the research above, there is no doubt that Decathon is still being the leader of physical store in the current on-line store prosperous. Decathlong attracts consumers with unique low price, save cost of supplying, experiencing marketing, and got lots of loyal consumers who have a stronge feith on Decathlon. 

    来源:牛顿商学院、界面、环球纺机    编辑:文帅

    From: Newton Business institution,Vision,  Global Textiel Machinery      Editor: Wen Shuai



