
作者: Willingheart | 来源:发表于2017-10-11 14:28 被阅读4次

    Before the National Day, I was on a business trip for almost 20 days in Xiongan New Area.

    We have a project there. So when the project commissioning begins, all staffs go on a business trip for the morning shift, afternoon shift and night shift on site. Since we are short of hands, I,  as an administrative staff, was also sent for the business trip. I mainly helped to make a data record for later analysis. However, the commissioning didn't run smoothly at all. With no progress made, we all felt depressed. 

    In fact, the project has lasted for more than three years but no essential progress has even been made during those years. As a result, we had a hard time in the company and time wears down our ambition and patience little by little. At the moment, we need something inspiring to cheer us up. And we all know if the project is proved a failure, all staffs will face a dim future. 

    Though  it's well known that one failure of a project is caused by many factors, I still doubt whether there will be a success without any changes in the team as well as people's mind and ways of doing things. We have got financial support, technical support and talent support for the project, but all that seems to help little. Maybe it is the time to find reasons within ourselves. Staffs are slack and unwilling to undertake responsibilities. Department managers' expectation for the project differs a lot from that of top leaders. No effective measures to reward the good and punish the laggard are taken in the company so that staffs gradually lose their enterprising spirit. Department leaders don't lead by example so that unhealthy tendencies are popular, and some advanced employees are also influenced and corrupted. 

    One company's culture and atmosphere are so important that they can decide the prospect of the company and its employees. Everybody loves a positive competition in the company to keep motivated. Otherwise, employees just become  living dead bodies because they make no contributions and they get no improvements. Until one day, their long-term sluggishness blends into their body and soul, totally conquering their sense and sensibility. On that terrible day, downfall for the company and downfall for the employees. 

    I expect some positive changes in the team. And if there are no real changes, maybe it's time for me to make a change for my work. ..



