
01 心法分享
制度创新 + 借势破局
1. 制度创新:成立股份公司,拆解风险,统一资源和目标来共同对抗未来的不确定性。
2. 局外思维,借力打力:面对未来的高度不确定性和劲敌,转型不必另起炉灶,而是就地取材,统筹资源,节约人力/物力/成本。

02 外刊阅读
How the East India Company became the world's most powerful business?
Think Google or Apple are powerful? Then you've never heard of the East India Company, a profit-making enterprise so mighty, it once ruled nearly all of the Indian subcontinent. Between 1600 and 1874, it built the most powerful corporation the world had ever known, complete with its own army, its own territory, and a near-total hold on trade of a product now seen as quintessentially British: Tea.
At the dawn of the 17th century, the Indian subcontinent was known as the "East Indies," and - as home to spices, fabrics, and luxury goods prized by wealthy Europeans - was seen as a land of seemingly endless potential. Due to their seafaring prowess, Spain and Portugal held a monopoly on trade in the Far East. But Britain wanted in, and when it seized the ships of the defeated Spanish Armada in 1588, it paved the way for the monarchy to become a serious naval power.
In 1600, a group of English businessmen asked Elizabeth I for a royal charter that would let them voyage to the East Indies on behalf of the crown in exchange for a monopoly on trade. The merchants put up nearly 70,000 pounds of their own money to finance the venture, and the East India Company was born.
The corporation relied on a "factory" system, leaving representatives it called "factors" behind to set up trading posts and allowing them to source and negotiate for goods. Thanks to a treaty in 1613 with the Mughal emperor Jahangir, it established its first factory in Surat in what is now western India. Over the years, the company shifted its attention from pepper and other spices to calico and silk fabric and eventually tea, and expanded into the Persian Gulf, China, and elsewhere in Asia.

Enterprise 企业, 组织, (尤指)公司,企业…
Mighty 强大的, 巨大的, 伟大的…
Subcontinent 次大陆, (常指)南亚次大陆…
Quintessentially 最典型,最本质
Seafaring 航海的
Prowess 杰出的才能, 高超的技能
royal charter 皇家许可证
Venture (有风险的)企业, 投机活动, 商业冒险…
Calico (本色的)厚棉布,白布
03 思考一下
04 精彩思想碰撞




文稿 | 杬君
文编 | XL
文段 | National Geographic
封面 | 来自网络,侵删
文图 | 部分来自网络,侵删

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