[Notes] Create Amazing Forms

[Notes] Create Amazing Forms

作者: JellyL | 来源:发表于2020-04-04 15:39 被阅读0次

Create Amazing Forms

Design efficient forms

  • Use existing data to pre-populate fields and be sure to enable autofill.

Make sure your forms have no repeated actions, only as many fields as necessary,
and take advantage of autofill, so that users can easily complete forms with
pre-populated data.

  • Use clearly-labeled progress bars to help users get through multi-part forms.

Progress bars and menus should accurately convey overall progress through multi-step forms and processes.

  • Provide visual calendar so users don’t have to leave your site and jump to the calendar app on their smartphones.

Choose the best input type

  • Choose the most appropriate input type for your data to simplify input.
Input type note
url URL. It must start with a valid URI scheme, for example http://, ftp:// or mailto:
tel phone numbers. It does not enforce a particular syntax for validation, so if you want to ensure a particular format, you can use pattern.
email email addresses, and hints that the @ should be shown on the keyboard by default. You can add the multiple attribute if more than one email address will be provided.
search A text input field styled in a way that is consistent with the platform's search field.
number numeric input, can be any rational integer. Additionally, iOS requires using pattern="\d*" to show the numeric keyboard.
range number input, but unlike the number input type, the value is less important. It is displayed to the user as a slider control.
datetime-local a date and time value where the time zone provided is the local time zone.
date a date (only) with no time zone provided.
time a time (only) with no time zone provided.
week a week (only) with no time zone provided.
month a month (only) with no time zone provided.
color For picking a color.

Caution: Remember to keep localization in mind when choosing an input type, some locales use a dot (.) as a separator instead of a comma (,)

  • Offer suggestions as the user types with the datalist element.

datalist lets the browser suggest autocomplete options as the user types.
Unlike select elements where users must scan long lists to find the value
they're looking for, and limiting them only to those lists, datalist element
provides hints as the user types.

<label for="frmFavChocolate">Favorite Type of Chocolate</label>
<input type="text" name="fav-choc" id="frmFavChocolate" list="chocType">
<datalist id="chocType">
  <option value="white">
  <option value="milk">
  <option value="dark">

Note: The datalist values are provided as suggestions, and users are not
restricted to the suggestions provided.

Label and name inputs properly

  • Always use labels on form inputs, and ensure they're visible when the field is in focus.

The label element provides direction to the user, telling them what information
is needed in a form element.
Applying labels to form elements also helps to improve the touch target size:
the user can touch either the label or the input in order to place focus on the
input element.

<label for="frmAddressS">Address</label>
  placeholder="123 Any Street"

// or
    placeholder="123 Any Street"

Labels and inputs should be large enough to be easy to press.
In portrait viewports, field labels should be above input elements,
and beside them in landscape. Ensure field labels and the corresponding
input boxes are visible at the same time. Be careful with custom scroll
handlers that may scroll input elements to the top of the page hiding
the label, or labels placed below input elements may be covered by the
virtual keyboard.

  • Use placeholders to provide guidance about what you expect.

The placeholder attribute provides a hint to the user about what's expected
in the input, typically by displaying the value as light text until the user
starts typing in the element.

  • To help the browser auto-complete the form, use established name's for elements and include the autocomplete attribute.

give hints to the browser by providing both the name attribute and the
autocomplete attribute on each input element.

Note: Chrome requires input elements to be wrapped in a <form> tag to
enable auto-complete. If they're not wrapped in a form tag, Chrome will
offer suggestions, but will not complete the form.

Content type name attribute autocomplete attribute
Name name fname mname lname - name (full name) - given-name (first name) - additional-name (middle name) - family-name (last name)
Email email email
Address address city region province state zip zip2 postal country - For one address input: street-address - For two address inputs: address-line1 address-line2 - address-level1 (state or province) - address-level2 (city) - postal-code (zip code) - country
Phone phone mobile country-code area-code exchange suffix ext tel
Credit Card ccname cardnumber cvc ccmonth ccyear exp-date card-type cc-name cc-number cc-csc cc-exp-month cc-exp-year cc-exp cc-type
Usernames username username
Passwords password - current-password (for sign-in forms) - new-password (for sign-up and password-change forms)

Note: Use either only street-address or both address-line1 and
address-line2. address-level1 and address-level2 are only necessary
if they're required for your address format.

On some forms, for example the Google home page where the only thing
you want the user to do is fill out a particular field, you can add
the autofocus attribute.

  <input type="text" autofocus ...>

Note: Mobile browsers ignore the autofocus attribute, to prevent the
keyboard from randomly appearing.

Note: Be careful using the autofocus attribute because it will steal
keyboard focus and potentially preventing the backspace character
from being used for navigation.



      本文标题:[Notes] Create Amazing Forms
