

作者: 梅惜 | 来源:发表于2018-04-14 09:09 被阅读7次

最近在看CFA(注册金融分析师)。 居然看出了很多感慨。 十几年前我还是Warwick Business School的学生, 毕业后的十几年,跟着中国经济的“跳跃式的发展”,也一路经历了商贸、管理、投资等各个历程。经历了“快速扩张”的企业, 也经历了“兼并重组”的企业。 打鸡血、执行力超强、士气低迷、凝聚力强的,弱的,我都经历过了。 很多年的今天,再来看那些基本的投资管理的知识。 真是感觉到:中国的企业管理难点:在于ethics conduct(企业道德标准和行为)的延续一致性和执行。但这个从某种意义上讲 是“人性”的问题。任何国家都会存在。

Ethics can be described as a set of shared beliefs about what is good or acceptable behavior and what is bad or unacceptable behavior.

Ethical conduct has been described as behavior that follows moral principles and is consistent with society's ethical expectations.

Ethical conduct has also been described as conduct that improves outcomes for stakeholders, who are people directly or indirectly affected by the conduct.

Examples of stakeholders in the case of investment professionals include their clients, co-workers, employers, and the investment profession as a whole.  some decisions may bring positive results for you, but negative consequences for a stakeholder, such as a co-worker. Ethical conduct is behavior that balances your self interest with impact on others.



