2021-02-21 How Reading Papers He

2021-02-21 How Reading Papers He

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2021-02-21 20:50 被阅读0次

If we’re starting on this habit, we can just read whatever interests us — most papers will have something to teach us. Reading about topics we’re interested in also make it easier to build the habit.

We could also select papers based on practicality. For example, we might need to quickly understand a domain for a project. Before starting on a project, I almost always set aside time for a literature review. Spending a couple of days diving into papers can save weeks, if not months, of dead-ends and unnecessarily reinventing the wheel.

Recommendations are also a handy way to identify useful papers to read. One hack is to follow people we admire on social media, or subscribe to curated newsletters — I’ve found these sources to have a high information-to-noise ratio.

What papers do I read? Out of practicality, I mostly read papers related to work. This allows me to immediately apply what I’ve read and thus reinforce my learning. Outside of work, I have an interest in sequences and tend to read about NLP and reinforcement learning. I’m especially fond of papers that share what worked and what didn’t, such as through ablation studies. This includes the papers on Word2vec, BERT, and T5.



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