节目共365期,制作非常精良,所有场景均是实景录播,各种口音都能听到(第一集Difficult Customer里restaurant, waiter就一口意大利口音),各种背景声也很酷(爆炸声,男女约会的背景音乐)。优秀的录播教学主持人Marco那阳光磁性的笑声,几个女搭档及拓展练习中男女配音声音都很动听迷人。
Elementary ‐ Difficult Customer 难缠/挑剔的顾客
1. I am still working on it. 例句略
=I still need more time.
2. What' good here?
3.coke and fries
a short way of saying Coca Cola and French fries ( 可口可乐和炸薯条)
到格调高雅意式西餐厅来点fast food(可乐和薯条)。What a waiter!难怪最后气到爆。
4. a glass of complimentary wine.
comlimentary=free赠送的 ~ tickets赠票 (免费的东西大家都爱^-^)
5. I'll go with ( spaghetti [spə'getɪ]意大利式细面条)
I'll go with=I'll take…=I am choosing…
6. go grab a burger
go grab=go get quickly