每日一词 126 tailspin

每日一词 126 tailspin

作者: Kungogo | 来源:发表于2019-03-18 22:01 被阅读0次



    英英释义:an occasion when something or someone suddenly gets into a very bad state.

    例句:The world economy goes into a tailspin.

    2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

    “tailspin” 是个名词,字面意思是“尾巴旋转”,表示飞机失控坠落时的情况。它也常用来表示“突然变得糟糕”,是个很形象的表达,有急速下降、“一落千丈”的画面感。   

    tailspin 这个词的用法很简单,最常见的表达是 XX goes into a tailspin。比如我们想表达“全球经济低迷“就可以说:

    The world economy goes into a tailspin.

    XX goes into a tailspin 也是《经济学人》中的常客,比如最近就用到了:

    The global economy had an inauspicious start to 2019. Markets went into a tailspin and America’s government was locked in a seemingly interminable shutdown.   

    tailspin 的另一个常见用法是 A sends B into a tailspin,表示“A使得B急剧下落、陷入困境”。比如最近韩国顶级男团成员胜利(Seungri)因为性丑闻而身陷困境,我们就可以说:

    The sex scandal sent Seungri, a K-pop star, into a tailspin.

    米歇尔·奥巴马在回忆录 Becoming 中也用到了这个表达:

    The economic crisis in the United States had created devastating ripples across the globe, sending world financial markets into a tailspin. 

    3. 从认识到会用(作业)



    The scandal sent stock prices into a tailspin.

    (参考翻译:Share prices went into a tailspin after the scandal broke. 或者 The scandal sent share prices into a tailspin. 或者 The scandal erupted, sending share prices into a tailspin.)


    例子: The breakup with her boyfriend sent her into a tailspin.

    The huge debt coming from her parents sent her into a tailspin.



          本文标题:每日一词 126 tailspin
