请回答1927|Let's talk about Bri

作者: 南京晓庄学院 | 来源:发表于2018-04-27 18:38 被阅读1次


    R:Hey Stefanie! Have you watched Inside No.9? The show I recommended you before.




    R:How do you like it?


    S:Well.I only watched a couple of episodes.And it's a little bit frightening.


    R:Frightening how? Which episode did you watch?


    S:I like the one called Diddle DiddleDumpling.

    The end is really beyond calculation.The end is really staggering.

    (我喜欢那集叫Diddle Diddle Dumpling的。结局真是超出了计算范围。最后真的是惊人的。)

    R:That's my favorite ,too.

    Reeson Wayne Shearsmith is really a talented actor. It's like he can be anyone.

    (那也是我最喜欢的。Reeson Wayne Shearsmith是个很有天赋的演员。好像他可以成为任何人。)

    S:Yeah. He is also one of the scriptwriters. 


    R:I am always interested in British TV dramas.

    Beforethis,I was a huge fan of Black Mirror.


    S:Where did you find this show?


    R:Actually,it was my friend's recommendation.

    She says I would like it.


    S:I like it,too.But it's a little bit scary for me.I can't watch it alone in the evening.


    R:Ha ha. I know. (哈哈我知道。)

    Many people love to "nine secret" and "black mirror" put together. 

    In fact, the two are not the same. Black mirror is mainly the change of modern science and technology to human beings, and the nine secrets to focus more on the story itself, like two write a setof neuropathy neuropathy stories to explain black humor.


    S:Indeed, the black mirror is horror elements and nine more secrets is the horror of humor.


    R:Like the first episode,the sardines the setting is in an old house's antique wardrobe.

    The wardrobe itself is creepy enough,let alone many people hiding in it.


    S:Whenever I think of the ending,it gets the creeps on me.


    R:So,you have figured out the truth.


    S:Yeah.the father of the family is a pedophile,only for little boys. He sexually abused his son and a little boy when they were young.

     His son became gay and the little boy came back for revenge.


    R:Many details show that something happened.

    But the story-teller didn't make it clear till the end.(许多细节表明事情发生了。但故事讲述者直到最后才讲清楚。当这个复仇男孩锁上柜子点火的时候,我真的被吓了一跳。事实上许多细节都暗示了些东西,但是没有二刷都很难注意到。)

    S:It's hard to accept the end in such a short time.


    R:You are right. but I think that's what makes  this show so popular and successful.


    S:About inside No.9,i still wanna know more about the  production team of this amazing drama.

    (关于《九号秘事》, 其实我仍想知道更多关于这部剧的主创团队的信息。)

    R:Well,as you see,there are two actors emerging in every episode.

    One is Reeson Wayne Shearsmith that we have mentioned before,the other is Steve Pemberton.

    Both of them are the actors and scriptwriters of this drama,even sometimes they would direct it in person.


    ■ ■■■■

    S:What are they?Superman?

    (又是演员又是编剧有时还是导演,太厉害了吧。 )

    R:Yeah,they really have drama addiction.


    S:Justwanna say  ……genius. What stuff is filled with their brains?I mean,too unexpected,too weird,and too much tricks.

    (只想说 ......天才。什么东西充满了他们的大脑?我的意思是,太出乎意料,太怪异,太多的把戏。)

    R:Exactly. do you know that inside NO.9 is not the first work they cooperate in.


    S:They are already invincible partners?


    R:Yep,Psychoville(疯城记)The League of Gentlemen(绅士联盟)are also their masterpieces. Both win great reputations.


    ■ ■■■■

    S:Wow,that's cool. I must say they are born for drama. 

    The plot is flooded with doubtful  points and deep or confusing meanings. 

    Most often,if i just watched one time,i still cannot figure out all the tricks hiding behind it.

    (哇,太酷了。我必须说他们生来就是为了戏剧。情节充满了怀疑 分深或混淆的含义。最常见的是,如果我只看了一次,我仍然无法找出隐藏在它背后的所有把戏。)

    R:So do I.And you must recognize that when watching this drama, high intelligence quotient is the necessity.


    S:whatever, before the last second,I cannot guess what was really happening.


    R:As you see, reversal is the most charming point in this drama. Do you remember the episode 3 in the season 1?


    S:You mean  Tom and Gerri?


    R:Yeah,that's a typical example. A tramp picked Tom's lost wallet and turned it back to him. Tom gave him 40 pounds a reward, hoping the tramp could leave then. 

    But later,the tramp came back with a bottle of wine, Tom had to invited him a glass of wine.


    S:The story began to develop out of control. When they chatted, the tramp ,we know his name is Mig, mentioned that he knew the writer whom Tom admired so much. This triggered Tom's interest in Mig.

    (这个故事开始失去控制了。当他们聊天,流浪汉 ,我们知道他的名字是米格,说他知道汤姆非常崇拜的作家。这引发了汤姆对米格的兴趣。)

    R:Yeah, Tom's girlfriend Gerri found that Tom has totally changed he didn't go to work and even lived with Mig,let alone piles of dishes that weren't washed by anyone. 

    He had a quarrel with Gerri, resigned his job and decided to stay at home to support himself by writing, for his so-called dream.


    S:But there is something weird with Mig, for example, he would delete the messages for Tom, even on birthday, he hid Tom's letters from his family under the sofa. 

    When Gerri came and told Tom that there was no Mig and all of things were the imagination of Tom because he suffered from depressive disorder, the audience could find that Migg was behind the door.


    R:That was one reversal,but it's not what most frightening. 

    At the end of the story, a friend visited Tom and delighted to see he has turned to normal.When Tom looked for Gerri who was just standing beside him, his friend stopped smiling.


    S:There was no Gerry, right?


    R:Yes, that's really⋯⋯oh my god.


    S:Wait, it's not finished. When the friend entered bathroom, he was scared to find Mig dead in the bathtub.


    R:Tom said, Mig was not a true person.


    S:To tell the truth, I was a little confused.


    R:It doesn't matter. In fact, the screenwriter is also set up an open end, who is true, who does not exist, can have different guesses and results. 

    This is also a controversial charm nine secrets.


    R:All the stories of Inside No.9 are centered in the story itself. 


    S:We do recommend Inside NO.9 to all of you. 


    资料来源 / 方山之声栏目 

    图片 / 网络

    责编 / 李慧轩、徐嘉



        本文标题:请回答1927|Let's talk about Bri
