1, guitar /gɪˈtɑ:(r)/ n.吉他
»play the guitar
»Can you play the guitar?
gui(吉) tar(他)
c + ar = car(轿车) → t + ar = tar → guitar
»I can play the violin.
»He can play the drum.
»Can you play the piano?
2, sing /sɪŋ/ v.唱歌
»sing a song/唱一首歌
»Can you sing?
k + ing = king(国王) → s + ing = sing
大家可能都看过湖南电视台的《我是歌手》(现改名为《歌手》),如果你是个细心的观众,会发现它的英文名叫I'm a singer.
3, swim /swɪm/ v.&n. 游泳
»Can you swim?
虽然我们很想承认这是条硬广4,dance /dɑ:ns/ /dæns/v.跳舞 n. 舞蹈
»Can you dance?
推荐一首歌:save the last dance for me(一定要听哦~)
5, chess /tʃes/ n.国际象棋
»play chess
»Can he play chess?【动词原形,plays✘】
che + ck = check(检查) → che + ss = chess
play soccer; play basketball;
play cards; play Chinese chess
6,speak /spi:k/ v. 说(某种语言);说话
»speak Chinese; speak English
»Can you speak English?
pea + k = peak(高峰) → s + peak = speak
在英语发音里,[s]出现在单音节或重音节的字中,之后有[k]、[t]、[p]等辅音时,[k]、[t]、[p]要分别念成[g]、[d]、[b]。比如speak, skirt, student, 谐音近似于:“死毕克”,“死个特”,“死丢等特”。
7, join /dʒɔɪn/ v.参加;加入
»join the chess club;
»join the story telling club
»What club do you want to join?
-I want to join the chess club.
jo + b = job(工作) → jo + in = join
8, tell /tel/ v.讲述;告诉
»tell stories/注意复数形式
»You're very good at telling stories.You can join the story telling club.
ho + tel = hotel(宾馆) → tel + l = tell
9, write /raɪt/ v.写作;写字
»write stories
»Can Bill write stories?
-No, he can't, but he can tell stories.
10, show /ʃəʊ/ n.演出;节目 v.给...看;展示
»寻人启事:Students Wanted for School Show
talk show/脱口秀【音译】
talent show/达人秀【音译】
我们日常生活中其实很多词都是外语音译过来的,比如:时髦(smart),摩登(modern),还有前段时间很流行的“雅痞”:yuppie(也称雅皮士, 在城市工作的高薪年轻中产阶级专业人士, 生活奢侈)。老师有一个朋友,吊儿郎当的,有一阵子特别中意“雅痞”这个词,天天以雅痞自居。但雅痞是中产阶级,他可能只是个有文化的流氓...