新一代智能合约区块链钱包-DOGX WALLET,自推出以来,获得了众多全球区块链粉丝的追捧。自从2018年3月份以来,区块链交易市场一路受挫,众多主流币,持续走低。日前,筹备已久的DOGX WALLET开启了全球公测,众多外媒跟区块链资深专家,纷纷表示它将在年底成为行业的焦点。
TGDaily:DOGX WALLET, the pioneer of quantified transaction of digital assets, has been sought after by many block chain enthusiasts as soon as it comes online.
Coinspeaker:Prices of mainstream digital currencies continued to fall, while DOGX went against the market and rose continuously.
Cryptonews:DOGX WALLET will be the pioneer of quantitative trading of digital currency.
Themerkle:The former Dogecoin team launched a new generation of intelligent systems - DOGX WALLET.