雅歌八6~7--Mike Bickle的雅歌解经。

雅歌八6~7--Mike Bickle的雅歌解经。

作者: 000d64f65ba9 | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 12:01 被阅读40次

It was 1988. I have the story written down in detail in several places, so I am not going to spend a lot of time on this. After a morning prayer meeting, I went to my office about eight o’clock. I was looking through the mail. I was looking at a wedding card, and it had the verse Song of Solomon 8:6 on it,


“Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire.” I thought, “Okay, that is a cool verse for a wedding.” A lot of weddings use that; I have seen it many times over the years.


Something happened differently this time when I saw this Song of Solomon 8:6, about putting the seal of love on the heart. Suddenly I just prayed in a way that I had never done before with this verse. I said, “Jesus, put the seal of Your love on my heart.” I began to weep, and the presence of God began to rest on me. I was just so overwhelmed, struck by this because it was so sudden and so intense. It went on for a few minutes, and so I picked up the phone—it was at the church office—I called the receptionist and I said, “Hey, if somebody comes by, just say that I cannot talk right now.


Something is happening, and I do not know what it is.” You know, in thirty-five years plus of pastoring I have only done that one time in my life where the Spirit moved on me and I actually picked the phone up and said, “Please no matter what, even if it is the boss”—that would be my wife—“no matter what, don’t interrupt me.”


Because my heart was so touched and I was weeping.  I said, “Jesus, seal my heart with Your love. I do not even fully know what it means.” Suddenly the phone rings about ten minutes later. I could not believe it! It is amazing how you can go from the heights of engagement with the Lord to being in the flesh. I went, “What?!” The whole thing kind of lifted. Picked the phone up, “Yeah?”

因为我的心如此感动,我哭泣。说:“耶稣、求你用爱心放在我的心上如印记。”我甚至不完全知道这是什么意思。大约十分钟后,电话铃突然响了。我简直不敢相信!你如何能从与主的接触的高度,升到肉身的高度,是令人惊奇的。我:“什么? !整件事都被提了出来。拿起电话,“是吗?”

The guy on the phone said, “Hey, I hate to do this, but Bob Jones is on the phone.” Most of you know the name Bob Jones, a prophetic man. He said, “Bob says he heard the audible voice of the Lord. He has a message for you, and it is urgent.”


I thought, “I better let him in.” I said, “Yeah, that is good.” I am on my knees, Bible open, wedding card there, weeping. I say, “Hello Bob.” Bob says, “I only got one minute.” He says, “I just heard the audible voice of the Lord. He told me Song of Solomon 8:6-7.” I cannot believe it! He says, “The Lord told me it is for you.




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      本文标题:雅歌八6~7--Mike Bickle的雅歌解经。
