Welcome aboard love airline flight 521 from my heart to yours.This is your captain speaking.Please make sure your seat belt is fastened.Because the way to love is a little bumpy
Remember to keep your phones turned off.Emotion from artificial world isn't real.Our flight is going to take off shortly.please remain optimistic to life in 2023.Happiness is about to come.
Enjoy your flight!
Here are some words for fruits.
1.tangerine 橘子
2.persimmon 柿子
3.cherry 车厘子
4.durian 榴莲
5.date 枣子
6.pomelo 柚子
7.avocado 牛油果
8.jackfruit 菠萝蜜
9.cranberry 蔓越莓
10.papaya 木瓜
11.passionfruit 百香果
12.dragon fruit 火龙果
13.coconut 椰子
14.plum 李子
15.raspberry 树莓
16.pineapple 菠萝
17.watermelon 西瓜
18.apricot 杏子
19.star fruit 杨桃
20.kiwi fruit 猕猴桃
21.fig 无花果
22.grapefruit 葡萄柚
23.mango 芒果
24.strawberry 草莓
25.pomegranate 石榴
26.lychee 荔枝
27.sugar cane 甘蔗