- 百度“谷歌上网助手”
- 文献下载chrome插件下载(kopernio)
- get started,按提示填写注册信息
- 下载科学版mso
- 下载校园vpn客户端
- 端口地址:v.dlut.edu.cn
- 如何用国内电话创建谷歌账号
- 如何在mac上卸载软件
- 百度 mac 云课堂
- 如何在mac上运行windows
- 双系统
- 虚拟机
- win to go
- 如何通过某宝使用paralles,MSO
- searching
- 制作win to go
- 如何在Word中插入pdf
- 插入图片文件中的图片
- 隐私——所有来源
sudo spctl --master-disable
- 适合mac的英文输入法(英文自动联想)
- 适合mac的集群连接应用
- 截图
cmd+shift+5, ctrl粘贴到clipboard中C区7栋10楼7号
- shift 切换大小写
- option 切换数字
- Caps 切换中英文
- 拆字输入,焱,shift+ 空格犇
- ā´bč`d cmd+aev~
- 😉 ctrl+cmd+空格
- ASDGD cahn长按caps
- 张 張 龘!dà
- 设置xshell
- 手写输入 (不好用)
- 语音输入:double click fn
- 虚拟键盘
- 如何快速查单词
cmd+l based on spotlight, 快速跳转到字典项
- 如何切换输入法
ctrl+ space
- 如何切换输入法
- 如何实现分屏
- 缩放的 绿色按钮点选
image.pngmac os 基本知识学习
- mac 下使用什么输入法?
- what does it need to be done in mac?
- inserting pdf in word
- connecting to cluster by something, like xmanger
- operating a programing in Linux by parallels (a virtual machine)
- Cent Os 7 has been installed in parallels. However, it still is a question how to handle this Linux released version or any other version.
- It is important to run some programs in mac OS, which only have the Windows version. On the one hand, we can download and install windows by parallels. On the other hand, we can put windows system to an SSD (solid state drive), named Win To Go.
- 学校正版不支持 10.15系统
zhangyanjie@zhangyanjiedeMacBook-Pro ~ % /Volumes/Mac版PS\ 2020/Install.app/Contents/MacOS/Install ; exit;