issue n.问题
the issue of global warming
the issue of climate change
center on trivial issues
- trivial issues 无关紧要的 琐事
triviality 琐事
focus on important issues
concentrate on
issue v.颁发 出台
issue a driver's license 驾照
issue a medical license 职业医师资格证
issue a legal license 律师资格证
issue a teacher's license 教师资格证
issue new guidelines
guidelines 指导意见
issue a preferential policy to lure talents
prefer to 偏爱
preferential 优先的
feedback n.反馈 反应
physical / bodily feedback
detailed feedback详细的反馈
reading comprehension
listening comprehension
comprehend v.理解
comprehensive adj.综合的,全面的
comprehensive ability 综合的能力
comprehensive programs 综合的项目
注:apprehensive adj. 害怕的,担心的
premise n.前提
promise v/n 承诺
the basic premise of civilization 文明的基本前提
precondition 前提条件 = premise
urge v.敦促,(强烈)要求
urge the local council (当地政府 地方议会) to ban(禁止,取缔) fast-food outlets(n. 店)
urgent adj.急迫的,紧迫的
in urgent need of ... 急需
urgency n.紧迫性
the urgency of the situation
designate v.指定,认定
designate the accident as man-made 人为的
approve v.审批,批准
issue v.出台 颁发
urge v.敦促
design 设计;图案
fashion designer 时装设计师
note v.提到
suggest v.表示,建议,显示,表明
proclaim v.声称
claim v.声称,主张,认为
the panel (专家组) proclaimed the fact
the team declare the fact
the panel announced the fact
allege v.断言
allegation 断言
rumor 流言蜚语
lie 谎言
rural areas rumor rude
农村地区 谣言 粗鲁的
gossip 流言蜚语
sip n. 泯一小口
soup 汤
pledge v/n. 保证
the central government
the federal government pledge the prosperity of Hong Kong.
plea pledge保证
n. 恳求
plead v.恳求
plead for a definition
Our subject plead for a definition.
conform to our decision 符合
confirm 确认
confirm pregnance
pregnant women
kinship 亲情 亲属关系
confirm kinship 确认亲属关系
kin n.亲属
kinship testing 亲属关系检测
friend friendship
verify 证实 证明
verify the process
verify the legal status of immigrants
testify v.证实
testify a theory 证实一个理论
Anyone could testify that ... test-taking skills matter.
It matters.
It doesn't matter.
identify v.查明,弄清楚
find out
figure out
justify v.证明...合情合理合法;辩护
justified 合情 合理 合法