商志逐词精讲 通用高频词汇01

商志逐词精讲 通用高频词汇01

作者: 帳篷篷 | 来源:发表于2019-07-16 10:43 被阅读1次




shared = common 共同的

mutual a. 相互的, 共有的

shared customs 共同的风俗

shared dreams 共同的梦想

shared origin 共同的起源

shared ancestors 共同的祖先

shared experience and problems



n. 概念,理念,观念

an old notion 老观念

a traditional notion 传统观念

a modern notion

  • online culture(互联网) thinks highly of the notion that... 高度评价 高度认可...

    Chinese culture thinks highly of respecting the old and loving child.

    contemporary culture(当代文化) thinks highly of the notion tha...

  • Journalists should have their notions and make their own judgments.

    Reporters should have their notions.

    The young should have their notions.

  • the notion of evidence and fact 证据和事实的概念

  • the notion of linguistic determinism 语言决定论的观点

    language linguistic 语言的

    linguistics n. 语言学 linguist 语言学家

    test / testing n. 检测 检查

    determine v.决定

    language determine thoughts 语言决定想法(语言决定论)

  • His notion about animal rights / slavery is in agreement with others / his parents.


connotation n. 含义 意思


concept n. 概念 New concept English

definition n. 定义

New concept vehicles 新概念的机动车

conception n.理念,观念

文化融合 网瘾 is a modern conception

Internet addiction

Cultures are both national and international.

文化融合 cultural integration

  1. notion

  2. concept

  3. idea -> I have no idea. 我没有概念

    view ->world views 世界观

    opinion-> in one's opinion

    viewpoint-> point of view

    outlook-> world outlooks 世界观 ouotlook on life


    present your perspectives 提出你的观点

    present your reasons 陈述你的原因

    提出 陈述 表述 阐明 present

when it comes to ____, opinions vary/differ.

stand n.立场 political stand 政治立场

v.站 stand up

standpoint n. 立场 观点 角度

from a political standpoint,


hold v.认为,声称,主张

argue ->argument n.观点

claim v. n.

maintain / insist

assert -> assertion n.主张

accept an assertion

reject an a claim / an assertion / an argument




    本文标题:商志逐词精讲 通用高频词汇01
