又被锁定了,所以看公众号推文吧!!!——算法文献阅读11:MUMmer (第一代版本)
Alignment of whole genomes (1999)
跟MCScanX一样都是投的Nucleic Acids Research
A new system for aligning whole genome sequences is described. Using an efficient data structure called a suffix tree, the system is able to rapidly align sequences containing millions of nucleotides. Its use is demonstrated on two strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, on two less similar species of Mycoplasma bacteria and on two syntenic sequences from human chromosome 12 and mouse chromosome 6. In each case it found an alignment of the input sequences, using between 30 s and 2 min of computation time. From the system output, information on single nucleotide changes, translocations and homologous genes can easily be extracted. Use of the algorithm should facilitate analysis of syntenic chromosomal regions, strain-to-strain comparisons, evolutionary comparisons and genomic duplications.
描述了一种用于比对全基因组序列的新系统。 使用称为后缀树的有效数据结构,该系统能够快速对齐包含数百万个核苷酸的序列。 它在两种结核分枝杆菌菌株、两种不太相似的支原体细菌以及来自人类 12 号染色体和小鼠 6 号染色体的两个同线序列上得到了证明。在每种情况下,它都发现了输入序列的比对,使用 30 秒和 2分钟的计算时间。 从系统输出中,可以轻松提取有关单核苷酸变化、易位和同源基因的信息。该算法的使用应有助于分析同线染色体区域、菌株间比较、进化比较和基因组重复。