There are an estimated 10 million color hues that humans can see. The human eye has three cones, each of which is able to view either red, green or blue. All of the other colors that humans can see are referred to as secondary colors and are created by combinations of these primary colors. It generally is believed that the human eye cannot see red-green or yellow-blue, referred to as the forbidden colors, because each color in the pair takes different actions in the brain that cancel out each other.
More about color vision:
- The most fatiguing color to the eye is thought to be bright pure yellow, because the color reflects the most light and thus causes the most stimulation of the eye.
- Chickens that are exposed to red light are less aggressive, studies show, although it is not known why this happens.
- In 2010, researchers found the first confirmed tetrachromat — a person who has four cones in the eye instead of three, and who might be able to view hundreds of millions of colors. 正常人类有三种视锥细胞,是三色视者;大多数的色盲患者和其他哺乳动物只有两种视锥细胞,为双色视者;某些特殊的人群则有四种视锥细胞,被称为四色视者。
上面边界的曲线是和单色光一一对应的,而下面边界的这条直线却没有单色光对应,而是两个光谱色的混合色轨迹。因为它是红色和蓝色的混合,所以主要是紫色的。这意味着,没有单色光形成的紫色。所有带紫的颜色,什么紫红色,品红色,都是所谓的 谱外色。
Non-spectral colors
Among some of the colors that are not spectral colors are:
- Grayscale (achromatic) colors, such as white, gray, and black.
- Any color obtained by mixing a gray-scale color and another color (either spectral or not), such as pink (a mixture of a reddish color and white), sky blue (a mixture of blue and white) or brown (a mixture of orange and black or gray).
- Violet-red colors, which in color theory include line of purples colors (such as, approximately, magenta and rose), and other variations of purple and red.
- Impossible colors, which cannot be seen under normal viewing of light, such as over-saturated colors or colors that are seemingly brighter than white.
- Metallic colors which reflect light by effect.
下图是颜色的神经信号处理流程,视锥细胞受到刺激后,信号会经过拮抗处理,得到 黑-白、红-绿、黄-蓝 信号。因此理论上人类是不能看到 红-绿、黄-蓝 这些混合颜色的,这些颜色也被称为禁忌色。