

作者: 槑焁 | 来源:发表于2024-10-17 21:54 被阅读0次

How Long Is Too Long to Sit on the Toilet?

Everybody poops, so in theory we all know how to do it. But if you regularly camp out on the toilet, scrolling through your phone, flipping through the pages of The New Yorker, or reading the ingredients on your conditioner bottle, chances are you're doing it wrong.


While it may be natural to want to wait things out (or push them out), especially if you deal with chronic constipation, there is such a thing as too much throne time. Lingering puts stress on the tissues of your butt, which can eventually lead to hemorrhoids or other problems.


"I usually tell my patients five minutes, tops," Ellie Chen, MD, a gastroenterologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, tells SELF. If nothing is moving at that point, "it's probably time to get up and do something else."


So even if you're plagued by constipation due to a condition like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the five-minute recommendation still applies.


Here are some ways to minimize your time on the toilet:


1. Don't sit "just because."

1. 不要“随便坐”。

If you have the urge to poop, jump on it tout suite. But don't plant yourself in the loo every morning simply because you think you should go, Dr. Chen advises.


2. Leave your phone behind.

2. 把手机放在一边。

"Just sit down and do your business then get out." Since reading or scrolling can mess with your sense of time, Dr. Singh says, it's best to ditch the distractions.


3. Treat constipation.

3. 治疗便秘。

In most cases, Dr. Westrich says, people can manage constipation on their own with basics like these:


-Get enough fiber every day (around 30 grams) by eating fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. You can also try a fiber supplement.

• 通过吃水果、蔬菜、豆类和全谷物来获得足够的纤维(大约 30 克)。你也可以试试纤维补充剂。

-Drink plenty of water. Fiber and water, Dr. Singh notes, go hand-in-hand; together they soften hard stools.

• 喝足够的水。辛格医生指出,纤维和水相辅相成;它们一起能软化硬便。

-Exercise regularly, since moving your body helps move your bowels.

• 定期锻炼,因为身体的运动有助于肠道的蠕动。

-Put a footstool under your feet while you go. This raises your knees a few inches higher than your butt, which mimics a squat position—the way humans were designed to poop, Dr. Chen notes. There's even research showing the tactic might indeed reduce straining and get you off the can sooner.

• 排便时在脚下放一个脚凳。这会使你的膝盖比臀部高几英寸,模仿蹲姿——陈医生指出,这是人类设计的排便方式。甚至有研究表明,这种策略确实可以减少用力,让你更快离开马桶。

-Notice if you hold your breath when you feel things moving down there. Instead, try deep (or diaphragmatic) breathing, Dr. Singh suggests. It may help you push the poop out.

• 注意当你感觉有东西在下面移动时是否屏住了呼吸。相反,辛格医生建议尝试深呼吸(或横膈膜呼吸)。这可能有助于你把便便排出。

The bottom line (so to speak): Whether you have constipation or you just enjoy a good read, loitering on the toilet is not a great idea. Instead, find ways to get your bowels moving, see your doctor if needed, and only bring books into the bathroom if you're using them for a footstool.





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